Taylor's Technology Tips #118: Learn While You Sleep

When you fall sick or have an injury you seem to become a mini-expert in that particular diagnosis – researching all the available remedies, discovering the various ways in which you can make yourself better. The information available online is a fantastic tool for this, but we have to filter the content through a lens of scepticism, be strategic with our searching. Nonetheless, I’m a firm believer that the more informed you are about your ailments, the further that goes to the help you in the healing process, some may say the placebo effect. On that note, lately I seem to have become somewhat of an ‘expert’ on sleep in others eyes, and am finding many of my day-to-day conversations with colleagues and students gravitating to the subject. I’m no expert, just sharing my own journey and acting on the research I’ve digested. I do think it’s great that a large swathe of our community is now talking about the importance of sleep. The mere fact that this (something we do for a third of our lives and significantly impacts the other two thirds) is part of a conversation at the ‘kitchen table’ is a step in the right direction for our well-being. The real expert is in the video below. Thanks to Thomas Brookes for sending this my way. If you can’t watch all of it (it’s very long) – then skip to 5:00 minutes into the interview and watch for 5 minutes until the 10:00 minute mark. It’s fascinating. Use this link to jump straight to it:


Have a re-charging weekend.

Brian Taylor

Assistant Principal, Campus Curriculum Technology Integration

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