Taylor's Technology Tips #104: My 4T's*

A mistake I (we?) made in life was naming my (our) three children with the same first letter of the alphabet – the letter ‘T’. As a parent I’m often found inadvertently admonishing or complimenting the wrong sibling. At first I thought it was just me, but I’ve witnessed the confusion with my parents, our friends and the boys’ teachers. When naming your children it is simply something you don’t think about at the time - nobody tells you not to do it! So, with the 3T’s in mind I would like to change the format of this technology article slightly. Each week I would like to give you four T’s, namely:

1. a Tip: long click on the back button in your browser to navigate to all previous pages

2. a Tool: ZoomIt for Windows – finally, a tool to zoom and annotate your Windows screen

3. a Text: Researchers develop typeface they say can boost memory (read time < 1min)

4. a Tutorial: 5 Ways To Stay Safe on Public WiFi (see below – watch time = 3mins)

* Grammatically I don’t think there should not be an apostrophe after the letter T, but to improve clarity of the text I’ve added it.

Have a greaT weekend.

Brian Taylor

Assistant Principal, Campus Curriculum Technology Integration

ps hat-tip to http://playingwithmedia.com/about for the 4T's inspiration 

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