Y3 Newsletter 10.03.23

We are motivated and engaged!

Upcoming events

Residential 3P and 3A13th - 15th March
Residential 3M and 3K15th - 17th March
Residential 3D and 3T20th - 22nd March
Residential 3C and 3J22nd - 24th March
Inventors Day27th MarchStudents
Timestableathon27th MarchStudents

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

This week may have been short, but it was certainly full of learning.

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful parent workshop presented by Mr. Max Hopwood on creating playable games. I was thrilled to see our students enthusiastically supporting their parents and demonstrating the characteristics of effective learning in the process. If you missed this workshop - we have more engaging sessions planned, including Ms. Rachel Stead's music curriculum session next Tuesday from 8am to 9am.

Today, we celebrated Smile Day, a meaningful event in which we learn about and fundraise for Operation Smile. Our students worked collaboratively on a Smile Day mosaic, designing their own tiles based on what brings them joy. I encourage you to take a look at this beautiful mosaic displayed in our Primary snack bar area.

Lastly, we are all looking forward to our annual Fun Day on Saturday, which our fantastic PTG has been working tirelessly to organise. I will be there in the afternoon and I hope to see you all there too!

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our Patana community.

Sarah McCormack


Safeguarding at the end of the school day

If you are unable to collect your child you can ask a neighbour or friend to help to take your child home. We have some new safeguards in place to make sure that the children are safe.

If you would like your child to be collected by another adult please ensure:

  • You email the class teacher or Leader of learning and welfare (dijo@patana.ac.th)  please copy in reception@patana.ac.th
  • The class teacher will ensure that Main Reception know who is taking the child out of school. Reception staff will then be ready to help if there is a query from Security.
  • The collecting adult and the child/ren may only leave via Main Reception. No other gate.


Our trips are not far away now. Please remember to label everything that you can. There is a residential blog where you can access a packing list and further details about our trips. I have also attached the list below. When classes start going, this will also be where you can go to see an update each day and some photos.

Inventors Day

Put Monday 27th March into your diary!

On this day, we are going to have 'Inventor's Day'. Year 3 students are invited to dress up as:

  • an inventor or
  • an invention

If they choose to dress up as an inventor, they could also make and bring in an example of their invention (e.g. a homemade calculator or homemade phone).

They will need to find out all about their invention:

  • who invented it?
  • why did they invent it?
  • where was it invented?



This Term the childen will be learning about Inventions. This is a very exciting unit of learning revolving around the creativity of Rube Goldberg.  Please see the  curriculum pages here patana.fireflycloud.asia/year-3/year-3-curriculum/term-2-discovering-our-world

Global Citizenship

General Information


Happy Birthday next week goes to....

Jonathan 3T
Sonya 3D
Casper 3K

Please ensure any snack or Birthday cakes/doughnuts that come into school are nut free. This is to ensure we are keeping all our students safe as we have some students in the Y3/4 Building who have severe nut allergies. Thank you for your help with this.

Please click the picture below to visit your child's class blog.

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -  Maya Hino

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Ms Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th

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