Year 3 Newsletter

What's New: Year 3 Newsletter

Y3 Newsletter 21.06.24

The Y3 team would like to thank all our parents for your support and positivity throughout this academic year.

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

As we come to the end of a wonderful academic year, I extend my sincere thanks to all of our community members for all their support and commitment to making Patana Primary the very best it can be. We have made so many memories together and I feel so fortunate to be part of such a special school.

To the staff, students and families who are leaving us this academic year, I wish you safe and successful onwards travels. We shall miss you! To the rest of our community, have a fantastic summer and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 21t August.

Y3 Newsletter 14.06.24

Living our values:

We had three great estimators from 3T who all made super estimates at Guess the dice and won a book each! Well done! 

Upcoming Events

Y3 Newsletter 07.06.24

Living our values:

It was great to see so many children sharing their musical talents during Perfomance Week and I know many are looking forward to the opportunity to perform again at Patana Primary next week.

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