Term 2: Discovering Our World

Learning Theme: Discovering Our World
The Big Idea:

T2a (Inventions): Throughout history, people have imagined and then created new things to make their lives better, easier, and more enjoyable. From the wheel to penicillin to the computer, inventions continue to change the way we live. This theme  introduces students to the amazing world of inventions — they'll learn about famous inventors, explore everyday inventions, discuss the "Top 10" inventions of all time, and even imagine a new invention for the 21st century.

T2b (Explorers): For as long as we have lived on Earth we have been explorers. From the ‘Age of Discovery’ to ‘Firsts Around the World’ explorers have travelled to new places in the world and discover new things that they didn’t know existed. So much of what we know today about our world is because we have been explorers in the past. Being an explorer is exciting but scary at the same time. Could you be an explorer? Do you love discovering new places and travelling to the unknown! Let’s find out.

Driving Questions: 

T2a: How have inventions changed the world?  
T2b: Why do humans explore?

Key Questions:


What is the greatest invention to date and why?
How has it had a major impact on people's lives? 
Is technology always good? 

Which inventions have had a significant impact? 

What invention could you not live without?

Where have humans explored in the past? 
Where might humans explore in the future? 
Why are some places easy to explore and others aren’t?
Who are some famous explorers?
Why is exploration important?

Planning and Assessment
Short term planning is based on ongoing teacher assessments, individual student’s needs, school targets and differentiation. Flexibility is needed within this structure to ensure the teaching and learning can be adjusted to cater for the needs of the cohort as well as specific target areas.

Connecting the Learning for Term 2

As Design and Technologists we will:

As Artists we will:

As Scientists we will:

Generate, develop and explain ideas for products to meet a range of needs

Evaluate work, adapting and improving where appropriate

Communicate design ideas in different ways e.g.discussion, annotated sketches and prototypes

Measure, mark, cut out and shape a range of materials and assemble, join and combine components and materials with some accuracy

Design and sketch in stages using shape, line and texture layers in our work.

We will then turn our drawings into colourful painted illustrations.

Use a variety of techniques e.g. quilting, weaving, embroidery, appliqué and develop skills in stitching, cutting and joining

Mix a variety of colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours

Make predictions, observe changes over time, and set up and complete a comparative test involving decomposition.

Plan fair tests and carry out investigations to learn about force and how simple machines, such as levers, pulley's and wheels and axles work.

Recognise that they need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light

Notice that light is reflected from surfaces

Recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an opaque object

Find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change

As PE learners we will:

As Musicians we will:

This term we will be covering units in Dance, Tee Ball and Gymnastics.

The following statements are a starting point of what they should aim to develop in each unit;

- performing with control, coordination and developing my confidence to improvise freely on my own and with a partner through dance and movement

- developing net game skills and understanding through a variety of net and wall games play

- copying, remembering, exploring and repeating simple gymnastic actions using a variety of speeds, levels, directions and apparatus

Developing as performers through Recorder Karate. This involves recorder techniques of accurate tonguing, covering the holes and gentle blowing.

As students progress to Yellow Belt, they have the extra challenge of 'legato tonguing' which is the technique of playing smoothly and connected whilst still using the tongue to start the notes.

As Historians we will:

As Thai and Language Culture learners we will:

As ICT learners we will:

Develop their understanding that the past can be divided into different periods of time

Explore the different ways we can find out about the past and how to understand the evidence

Recognise similarities and differences between people’s lives during different periods of time

Sequence several events or artefacts

Begin to give reasons for and results of the main events and changes

As Language Learners, we will be finding out

- where each language is spoken

- how to greet people in different languages

- what festival each culture celebrates

- about some eating habits and types of food

We will also be

- singing in different languages

- performing simple communicative tasks in different languages

How can we use create block code programs to solve designated tasks?

We will learn:

• How to program a robot to complete a designated challenge/task.

• Principles of code, command, algorithm, loop and while/if.

• Block code commands and algorithm creation

• How to use block coding to control a robot (Sphero)?

• Problem solving skills in debugging

• Decomposition skills breaking task down into manageable chunks.

Personal, Social, and Health Education

As active citizens we will explore:

As confident and healthy learners we will:

As global citizens we will:

As active Citizens we will be able to develop negotiation strategies and be able to compromise.

As Confident and Healthy Learners
building upon our recent experience of Residential we will be able to face new challenges positively and know when to seek help.

As Relational Learners we will consolidate understanding of differences and similarities between people.

Mathematics Learning for Term 2

Multiplication & Division Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables

Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication tables that they know, including for two-digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental written methods (grid method TOxO)

Write and calculate mathematical statements for division facts that they know, including for two-digit numbers divided by one-digit numbers, using mental written methods

Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects.
Measurement, length & perimeter

Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm); mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml)

Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes

Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p in practical contexts

Solve problems that involve all of the above

Literacy Learning for Term 2


Narrative Text: Ice Trap

Explanation Text: Dudley's Machine


AF2- Adopt an appropriate style with attention to the reader

AF4- Links between sentences within paragraphs

AF5- Simple connectives used

AF7- Some words selected for effect

AF1- Appropriate content and ideas included and attempts to adopt a viewpoint

AF2- Adopt an appropriate style with attention to the reader

AF3- Some attempts to sequence the text logically

AF6- Use of appropriate punctuation


Children write a poem based on a different model, using similes and other devices to create imagery.


AF2: Can I recall most of the main points from fiction and non-fiction texts?
Can I find evidence and information in the text that helps to support my comments, beginning to quote from the text?

AF3: Can I make plausible inferences about information and events and use the text to support these?

AF5: Can I begin to notice language features and use technical terms like 'adjective' to comment on writers' use of language?

If you have any questions regarding the Year 3 curriculum please contact: