TigerShark Squad information

Please use the icons below to view more detailed information on our squads.

Moving between Squads

Towards the end of the ECA Block (1-3), each swimming squad will undertake a Group Standards Tracking week which involves an IM Swim and Freestyle swim set.

This allows athletes a possible three opportunities a year to move squads.

The Group Standard swims include:

  1. IM based timed swim to assess speed and technical proficiency across all four strokes.
  2. A freestyle based 'Threshold' test set which reflects the training pace of the next group.

Both of these swims above acts as a quantitative measure of how their technique holds up under pressure.

What are the Group Standards for the IM and Test Set?

An Individual Medley Timed swim as follows:

Black TigerSharks Graduate 100Y IM in under 1.30.00

Orange TigerSharks Graduate 200Y IM in under 2.50.00

White TigerSharks Graduate 200Y IM in under 2.35.00

Grey TigerSharks Graduate 200Y IM in under 2.30.00

Gold TigerSharks Graduate 400Y IM in under 5.00.00

National TigerSharks aim to stay under 5.00.00

A Freestyle Test Set as follows:

Black TigerSharks Graduate 8 x 50Y on 55.00

Orange TigerSharks Graduate 10 x 50Y on 45.00

White TigerSharks Graduate 10 x 100Y on 1.30.00

Grey TigerSharks Graduate 10 x 100Y on 1.30.00

Gold TigerSharks Graduate 10 x 100Y on 1.20.00

National TigerSharks 10 x 100Y on 1.10.00


Will my child receive feedback on their Training Group Assessment?

We try to issue each child with a certificate with all their assessment results on it. At the end of each academic year we aim to print out and distribute individual meet results for the whole season. (These can then be used for the IMX rewards.)

Their coach will provide feedback across a number of criteria to assess their readiness to move up to the next training group if appropriate.

A comment regarding if they are leading the lane (those that lead their lane have to be able to listen to and interpret the coaches instructions and read the clock themselves, thus increasing their ability to cope in a higher group).

A comment regarding their meet participation (or sign up) throughout the term.

Results for the season to date will be attached (if meets have been swum)

A comment regarding their attitude at training. These 6 attributes will indicate their readiness for the next group.

Is the move up a squad the right decision?

There are, on occasions, times when it is in the best interest of an Individual athlete to remain in their current squad, consolidate their skills and aim to move at the next ECA bock. Group Coaches and the Head Coach will discuss these issues with parents on an individual basis. An example may be the age of athlete, physiological or psychological attributes that mean it is in the athlete’s best interest to remain for one more training block.

End of Year swims for TigerPrawns and Mini TigerPrawns

The Tigerprawns will have a final IM Group Standard swim to ensure they are ready for the move to Black Squad in Year 3. The Head Coach will contact any parents of swimmers who the coaches feel would be better suited starting Year 3 in the ECA swimming sessions.

Year 2 students will be enrolled in Black squad for the start of the new academic year. Parents must email the Head Coach to choose their days when the return to school.

For both sets of students above, parents should contact the coaching staff if they do not wish to continue in the programme. The Head Coach may discuss any withdrawals with parents if applicable.

Secondary swimmers in Black

There may be a few Yr 7 students who have not quite made the grade to move to Orange or Grey squad at the end of Year 6.

These students will be given one ECA Block (Until end of October of Year 7) to try to make the grade to the Orange or Grey squad before they are asked to move to an ECA recreational swimming program or try to maintain their training in Orange or Grey Squad.

The Black squad is set up for swimmers of Primary age swimmers. Parents will be contacted by the Head Coach during ECA Block 4 towards the end of the academic year if applicable.

White or Grey?

Swimmers who graduate from Orange squad who are in Secondary school will move to Grey TigerSharks.

Swimmers who graduate from Orange squad who are in the Primary school will move to White TigerSharks.

Both can then work towards graduating into Gold TigerSharks.

Please note the graduation standard for the Grey TigerSharks is purposely slightly more challenging to allow for the age and size of the swimmers in this group.