Y3 Newsletter 4.11.22

Living our Values

We are motivated and engaged!

This week, mysterious goings on have occured in the Y3 shared area! The children have been using their imagination to go on a journey to find someone called Rivers. What was their journey like? What did they find when they got there?

A note from the Principal

Relationships are at the heart of a great school and all learning. This week, we have seen the importance of connection demonstrated in our wonderful Friendship Day. It was fantastic to see our Charities on Friday morning and all the thoughtful work happening in classes.

On Tuesday, myself and Ms. Carol hosted a superb parent session entitled ‘Helping your child to thrive at Bangkok Patana’. As a first for us, this session was offered in two languages and we really valued the opportunity to connect with our parents in this way.

Proud of you Patana!

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming Events

EventDateWho's InvolvedNotes
Primary Loi Kratong8th NovemberPrimary School
Three way conferences10th NovemberStaff, parents and studentsY3 Classrooms
International Day15th November
Whole School
Block B ECAs start21st November

Y3 Sports Day22nd NovemberY3 Students, staff and parentsBack Field
Ploenchit Fair26th November

Book fair Week 28th NovemberOutside Primary Library
Primary Residential Meetings29th NovemberStaff and ParentsPrimary Hall
Father's Day - School Closed5th December

Whole Campus Christmas assembly16th December

Loi Krathong- 8th November

This is a gentle reminder that Loi Krathong is on Tuesday 8th November 2022. We would love to see the children in their traditional dress or Thai costumes on the day.

If you would like to purchase a new outfit online, please see the below for some helpful links, otherwise you can explore a local market or a superstore nearby.

Helpful links:

Thai costumes 1

Thai costumes 2

Three Way Conferences

Thursday 10th November - school closed for regular lessons

All ECAs and transport - cancelled

Conferences are scheduled for individual students and parents/carers plus the class teacher for 15 minutes.

Please view the video below for an idea of what our 3-Way Conferences look like for our older children.

We recommend you allocate at least one hour for your visit, so your child can continue to show you their learning before and/or after their time slot

NB: If your child is in Year 3-6 and receives EAL (English as an Additional Language) support, they should also visit the designated area in their yeargroup to meet their EAL teacher and share some of their learning with you.

Specialist Subjects:

Although we are unable to schedule appointments with specialist teachers on this day, we encourage children to collect stickers in their conference passport by visiting these specialist areas.

  • Pop in to the Languages Building to view your child’s Thai and MFL learning
  • Go to the Sports Hall and take part in some PE games and challenges
  • Drop by the Support for Learning Area in your child’s yeargroup
  • Visit the Blue Area to get a taster of our Music lessons
  • Visit the library to enjoy some reading and borrow some books
  • View some of your child’s ICT learning in our Computer Labs
  • Play in our adventure playgrounds - but remember to follow our safety rules!


Smart Watches

We encourage children to wear a watch to school, to help them keep track on time and develop independence. However, many smart watches allow for phone and message contact, internet access, online games, and other features that they do not need in school. Access to games via a smart watch distracts children from other social play activities and conversations. Messaging or calling home during the school day distracts your child from listening and learning.

If your child does have a smart watch, please talk with your child about which functions can and cannot be used in school.

Please set your child’s smart watch to block these functions whilst at school, including ECA time.


Y3 Curriculum Term 1b

This term our learning is based around mythical creatures.

If you would like more information about our curriculum please visit our Curriculum page here

PE Term 1B


Happy Birthday next week goes to....

Adi 3M

Aiden 3A

Xixi 3D 

Anya 3K

Please ensure any snack or Birthday cakes/doughnuts that come into school are nut free. This is to ensure we are keeping all our students safe as ewe have some students in the Y3/4 Building who have severe nut allergies. Thank you for your help with this.

General Information

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -  Maya Hino

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Ms Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th

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