Term 1b: Mythical Creatures 

Learning Theme: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Big Idea:

Stories such as Myths and Legends, link us to our past and explain our relationships with the universe and our environment. 

Essential Question:

How can we make myths and stories come alive?

Key Questions: 

What is a mythical creature?
How are mythical creatures different from everyday beings?
What kinds of mythical creatures are found in different cultures and in stories from around the world?
What are some similarities and differences between stories across cultures?
Why do people tell stories and how do they change?

Planning and Assessment
Short term planning is based on ongoing teacher assessments, individual student’s needs, school targets and differentiation. Flexibility is needed within this structure to ensure the teaching and learning can be adjusted to cater for the needs of the cohort as well as specific target areas.

Connecting the Learning Term 1b

As Scientists we will:

As Artists we will:

As Geographers we will:

Communicate using scientific language about Animals and Humans; skeletons, muscles and nutrition.

Make careful observations and comparisons

Identify simple patterns, changes, similarities and differences

Communicate findings using simple scientific language in written explanations, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys, bar charts or tables

Design and sketch in stages using shape, line and texture layers in our work.

We will then turn our drawings into colourful painted illustrations.

Use a variety of techniques e.g. quilting, weaving, embroidery, appliqué and develop skills in stitching, cutting and joining

Mix a variety of colours and know which primary colours make secondary colours

Use atlases, globes, maps and plans at a range of scales and draw simple maps and plans

Investigate key aspects of human and physical geography

Explore places with different climate zones

Use ICT to help in geographical investigations and create our own maps.

As PE learners we will:

As Musicians we will:

This term we will be covering units in Dance, T.N.G.F.U (teaching net games for understanding) and Athletics.

The following statements are a starting point of what they should aim to develop in each unit;

- performing with control, coordination and developing my confidence to improvise freely on my own and with a partner through dance and movement

- developing net game skills and understanding through a variety of net and wall games play

We will be using strategies to work out rhythms of songs we know and also unknown songs.

As our recorder skills grow, we will start the Patana “Recorder Karate” programme.

As Design and technology learners we will:

As Thai and Language Culture learners we will:

As Computer Scientists we will:

Use drawings and models to communicate our ideas.

We will begin to accurately measure, mark and cut out a range of materials to create our own shadow puppets

Measure, mark, cut out and shape a range of materials and assemble, join and combine components and materials with some accuracy

Learn, practise and share some Thai cultural activities: Loi Krathong

Develop basic vocabulary relevant to the units learnt: Fruits and Shopping

Develop sentence structures for simple dialogues

I can create a playable arcade game

I can debug Programs

I can code with variables and conditionals

I can simulate events using code

Personal, Social, and Health Education

As active citizens we will explore:

As confident and healthy learners we will:

As global citizens we will:

We will participate in making informed choices.

We will be able to begin to make informed choices about our lifestyle. e.g How and when we brush our teeth, and the impact this has on ourselves.

We will we will be open-minded and respect the differences and similarities between people from other cultures and communities around the world.

Literacy Learning for Term 1b


Narrative: Graphic Novel- Arthur and the Golden Snake   Non-Chronological Report


As writers we will...

Retell a myth using narrative structure and dialogue from the text; including relevant details and sustain the listener’s interest.

Identify and use precise and powerful language, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs

Begin to use paragraphs in our writing.

Use speech marks accurately

Write a variety of sentences, e.g. simple, compound and complex.


 As writers we will...

Write an information style report, e.g. about a mythical creature 

Identify and use features; heading, sub heading, captions, pictures, diagrams and text box

Read and follow sets of instructions such as recipes, plans, constructions which include diagrams

Write instructions independently e.g. how to carry out a Science investigation.

Use effective imperative verbs and begin to use adverbs.


Identify common features and themes in different types of traditional story: fables, myths, legends and folk tales. Analyse and compare plot structure and identify formal elements in story openings and endings.  Identify the range of connectives used to link events and change scenes.

Identify features of non-fiction text; heading, sub heading, captions, pictures, diagrams and text box

Select key information from sections of text

Mathematics Learning for Term 1b

Addition & Subtraction

Add and subtract numbers mentally, including:
a 3-digit number and ones e.g. 231 + 7 = ? or 135 - 8 = ?
a 3-digit number and tens e.g. 177 + 30 = ? or 153 - 20 = ?
a 3-digit number and hundreds e.g. 346 + 200 = ? or 264 - 100=?

Estimate the answer to a calculation and use inverse operations to check answers - e.g. 220 - 120 = 100 inverse 120 + 100 = 220 

Add numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition (expanded column method)

Subtract  numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods (expanded column method)

Solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtractio

If you have any questions regarding the Year 3 curriculum please contact:

  • Dan Hatfield  - Year 3 Leader of Learning and Curriculum ( daha@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)