Y3 Newsletter 26.08.22

Living our Values

We are balanced and fulfilled

The children have loved reconnecting with their friends and getting used to the new play areas.

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
Introduction to the Learning Y1-6 01.09.22YeargroupsStaff and Parents 
ECA Block One starts05.09.22
First day using Snack Cards
Snack barY3 Students and Staff
Roald Dahl Day12.09.22Y3Y3 Students and Staff
School Closed - Long weekend16.09.22

Parent Teacher Meetings26 - 29.09.22

Y3 Interclass Football 29.09.22
Y3 Students and parents
Tiger Spirit Day07.10.22


It's been an incredible start to the new school year. The children have come in so enthusiastically into their new year group and classes. We have had a very busy first full week as teachers and students have been getting to know each other. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new families who joined us and we look forward to helping you all settle in very quickly. 

Year 3 have been exploring the wonderful outdoor playground and we have enjoyed showing the children around all their new learning spaces.

A few reminders

  • Please ensure your child has a spare mask in their bags just in case theirs breaks or gets lost. 
  • Hats - your child needs a hat to access all the play areas and for PE lessons.  It is best to be left in school all week.
  • Water bottles 
  • Naming property - Please put your childs name and class code on all their uniform, shoes, hats and waterbottles to ensure a safe return if they get left behind!

Before School!

Before school starts at 7.30 the Y3  children are allowed to play on the Y3  playground. During this time they are not allowed to go on the equipment. They are aware of this but might need a few reminders! It would be great if you could help us with this! 

Morning Snacks in Key Stage 2

From the week beginning the 5th September Year 3 may bring in a healthy snack from home or buy one from the Snack Bar. Prior to this date snacks will be provided in the year group as they were in Key Stage 1. Please do not send sweets, chocolate or gum into school. We provide plain or soymilk for every student each break time. Students may bring their own water bottle to school.

Snack Cards

The longed for snack cards will start to be used from Monday 5th September. 

In preparation for this please can you:

  • Complete the form which your child has in their bag today and return it to your child's class teacher.
  • Send in or buy a lanyard so they can hang up their snack card in class. These are available in the school and Tiger shop.

On Monday 5th send in some money with your child so we can top up their card and start using it! The class teachers will keep the snack cards safely in the classrooms. Next week the children will be learning all about using the snack bar and managing a budget! The maximum amount allowed for students but I would suggest no than 100 baht to get started.

Here is the price list to help you guide your child:

School Uniform Reminders


  • Hair should be neat and conservative in appearance.
  • Hair longer than shoulder-length should be tied back.

School Shoes

  • Students should wear black shoes that support the whole foot and allow them to be active. On PE days they should have trainers in their bag and change back into school shoes after PE.

School Jumper

  • Only the blue school cardigan should be worn at school


  • We encourage the children to wear a digital or analogue watch to help them learn the time. 
  • We recognise many students are wearing  Smart watches. These are not necessary in school and often cause distraction from the learning. If you wish your child to continue to wear one,  it must be set to class mode.


Y3 Curriculum Term 1a

Our main focus for the first few weeks will be settling the children in as they transition to a new Key Stage by helping them move around the school from the classroom to specialist lessons as well as slowly introduce them to the Primary Snack Bar. We will learn all about how to use it in our Maths lessons next week. If you would like more information about our curriculum please visit our Curriculum page here

Reading Books

The children will be changing their reading books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This week the children have been given a reading book based on their stage from Year 2, and from reading with their new teacher. 

Please can you support your child by encouraging reading at home, either reading to you or a sibling and helping to remind them to bring their books in (if finished) on book change days.

Roald Dahl Day

Music - Recorders

This week the children have been given a recorder during their Music lesson. Please remind your child to bring in their recorder for their Music lessons.


This week the children have met their new PE teachers to familiarise them with changing rooms and facilities etc. For next week please follow the timetable for your class.

Global Citizenship

Everyone loves good manners and we are starting our year by ensuring our students say 'Hello' to each other and different teachers they meet. In classes the teachers will also be reinforcing:

  •  Excuse me
  • Please 
  • Thank you 
  • Sorry


Happy Birthday this week to....

Claire 3T

Jensen 3J

Chloe 3C

General Information


A warm welcome from PTG to all the parents old and new. If you would like to be a part of PTG and help out with future activities, do get in touch with us at ptg@patana.ac.th

Meanwhile here's a FUN video from us:

Message from Patana Japanese Group




Hello! We are the Japan Group consisting of approximately 70 families, and mainly supporting International Day and other school activities.

If you are a Japanese speaker and are interested in joining this group, please contact us.

Our contact is here: patanajapaneseg@gmail.com

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -  Maya Hino

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Ms Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th

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