Primary Bengals - Tactical Observation

This week I wanted to share with you one of my favourite videos. This video is a comparison between top level professional players and mini red ball players similar to yourself. As you will be able to see the points they play are very similar even though the court size and ball is different. This is what we describe as tactics.


Some players often think that the mini tennis balls (red, orange and green) are 'not real' tennis balls or a smaller court is 'not-real' tennis court. Red, Orange and Green ball are all part of the progression in tennis and are as 'real' and 'appropriate' for children. Modified equipment gives children the opportunity to play an adult version of the game in an environment that suits them. Slower balls, smaller courts and shorter lighter racket allow children to hit the same tempo as the pros, move around the court in the same way and execute the same tactics.

Each child develops at a different rate and transition should not be placed in the context of 'race' in which moving up quickly means 'winning'. The proper transition should be based on skill rather than an impatience to skip from one level to next.

Please take a look at our Instagram page @bangkok_patanatennis for more details. Stay safe and hope to see you soon!

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