Swim Academy

Bangkok Patana Tigersharks offers an environment of passion, enjoyment and hard work- where excellence is the inevitable outcome.

Mission Statement - To empower our swimmers with knowledge and passion for swimming, inspiring them to dream bigger and move towards in excellence day by day, whilst always providing a safe environment for them to develop at their own rate.

Our 3 Areas: 

Saturday Splash Learn to Swim Program (Nursey - Year 2)
To enquire - please email riro@patana.ac.th.

Shark Academy (Non-Competitive) - Year 1 - Year 9
To enquire - please sign up via ECA database.

TigerSharks (Competitive) - Year 2 - Year 13
To trial - please complete the form below.

If you would like information about joining the team, swim meets or the Patana TigerSharks team, please click the link below:
Bangkok Patana TigerSharks Home