In part 5 of the video tutorials, our intention is:
1. Can I import an image to a layer?
2. Can I re-size, rotate, flip and position an image in a layer?
3. Can I select and crop a layer to make it an original size?
Follow the video in below. If you don't understand a word or a action, first, scrub backward through the video and turn on the Closed Caption Subtitles.
You are successful if?
You can import a layer, use the select tool (marching ants) and crop the picture so that all the white space disappears.
In part 6, your intention is:
1. Can you use the magic wand to isolate an object to edit?
2. Can you use the brush tool to paint and make layers of opacity?
3. Can you use the colour picker to choose a prominent hue from the image and apply to other objects to increase realism?
You are successful if you can :
Cut out and colour the trees using the brush tool with the colour sticking to the tree and not around it.
Saving your image: If you are in the correct location, CTRL + S or go to FILE>> SAVE.Else, if you are in the correct location, CTRL + S or go to FILE>> SAVE.
If you are re-saving into a new location. These steps will help you.
Review what you have learned
In the review, make a new Paint.Net file and use the tools and procedures you are using here in parts 3 and 4.
What can you make?
Maybe start your blog posts on how this process went and publish what you have learned.