Y5 - Blog and Reflection

  • Write your blog post title first (you can always go back and fine-tune it later). But this will give your writing a focus
  • Write for your audience. Blogs should be interesting to read.
  • Use paragraphs, quality vocabulary and careful punctuation.
  • Maybe, use numbered posts like "5 Things I learnt doing my Scratch Project" and then let each section be one reason. These are fun and easy to write and read.
  • Try to incorporate images/embedded content in your posts. 
  • Always be yourself and use your own voice!

Step 1 - Create Blog Post

Step 2 - Add a relevant title
Step 3 - Add Text and images

Metacognition - Thinking about thinking

Metacognition (the 5 Ws)

My Learning Reflections

1. What have you learnt so far in this unit? (screen shot evidence of your learning)
2. How do you know you have been successful in your learning?
3. What tools/strategies did you use to help guide your learning?
4. What are your next steps and how are you going to get there?
5. Why do you think you are learning this?

Embedding a Scratch Game

Step 4 - Publish

When you have finished your blog, spend some time reading and commenting on other blogs.   You should look at other classes too.

Stuck? Click here for Firelfy help on creating content

Learning Intention

Can I share my thoughts?

Can I comment  respectfully?

Success Criteria: I can...

Create a new blog post

Use a relevant title

Make it interesting to read using quality language

Add text and images/video 

Comment on other posts once completed

Y5 Blogs

    - be thankful and be positive

    - respect others

    - use appropriate content

    - protect individuals personal information

    - vary the style and formatting

    - use pictures and videos to enhance the post