Y4 - Blogging about our learning - TinkerCAD

Step 1 - Create Blog Post

Step 2 - Add a relevant title - (Landmarks - TinkerCAD)

Step 3 - Add Text and images

Maybe, use numbered posts like "5 things I learnt in this project" and then list some of your new skills. 

Step 4 - Add evidence of your learning.  

Images of your robots, Scratch programs and links

Step 5 - Publish

When you have finished your blog, spend some time reading and commenting on other blogs.   You should look at other classes too.

Stuck? Click here for Firelfy help on creating content

You can blog about anything !

Good blog posts include quality writing and often contain meaningful reflection.

Information about your topic

Some interesting facts and ideas.

Some funny memories.

Your feelings and reflections

Messages of gratitude.  (Thank you to friends, staff and hosts)

Learning Intention

Can I share my learning?

Can I post examples?

Success Criteria: I can...

Create a new blog post

Use a relevant title

Make it interesting to read using quality language

I can add evidence of my learning 

Comment on other posts once completed

Y3 Blogs

    - be thankful and be positive

    - respect others

    - use appropriate content

    - protect individuals personal information

    - vary the style and formatting

    - use pictures and videos to enhance the post