Searching your landmark

Seesaw task

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Tip 1: Start with the basics

No matter what you're looking for, start with a simple search like  "Sydney Opera House"  You can always add a few descriptive words if necessary.

If you're looking for something specific add the keyword. For example, the "Sydney Opera House Size"

Tip 2: Search using your voice

Allow the Mcrophone

Tired of typing or not sure of the spelling?  

To search with your voice select the Microphone .  

Then say your keywords clearly.

 Learn more about how to search with your voice.

Tip 3: Choose words carefully

When you're deciding what words to put in the search box, try to choose words that are likely to appear on the site you're looking for. For example, instead of saying my head hurts, say headache, because that’s the word a medical site would use.

Tip 4: Don’t worry about the little things

  • Spelling. Google's spell checker automatically uses the most common spelling of a given word, whether or not you spell it correctly.
  • Capitalization. A search for New York Times is the same as a search for new york times.

Tip 5: Find quick answers

For many searches, Google will do the work for you and show an answer to your question in the search results. Some features, like information about sports teams, aren't available in all regions.

  • Dictionary: Put define in front of any word to see its definition.
  • Calculations: Enter a maths equation like "168/2" to do simple scale calculations

Expert Search tips

Want more tips and tricks to help you search like a pro? Check out the links below to learn more advanced search techniques.

Alternative Tools

Learning Intention

Can I find desired information online?

Success Criteria

I can adjust keywords independently to find desired resources

 I can use multiple keywords to find target resources

I can select and filter appropriate information