TinkerCAD sign-up instructions

Click your class code below

Students can sign into TinkerCAD with a Google account:

  1. At Tinkercad.com, click "Sign In".
  2. In the next screen, click "Sign in with Google".
  3. Then, enter your Google credentials to log into TinkerCAD.

Mr Max's classes 2024

4H - https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/I5WBPL5TH

4F - https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/PBRFFDJYM

4C - https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/R9WSN7S5Q

4A - https://www.tinkercad.com/joinclass/DQB99LIQP

Learning Intention

Can I sign into TinkerCAD?

Success Criteria

I can use my Google Log-in to sign up to my class.

I can use a class code to sign up to TinkerCAD