Year 3 CAT

Year 3 support Thomas House, part of the Maekok River Community Project

Click picture to find out more

Times table-athon!

What is it? 

Next term, Year 3 will be taking part in our annual Times Tableathon, a sponsored times table speed test. The purpose of this event is both to raise money for our chairty, Thomas House, and to encourage the children to learn their times tables by heart. Quick recall of times tables, as opposed to using a method or strategy to work out the answer, helps free up space in children's working memory so that they can focus on applying their knowledge to other areas of the curriculum, for example, when learning about fractions, area and perimeter as well as other concepts that they will learn higher up in the school. 

What is Thomas House?

This year, Year 3 will continue to support Thomas House.

What is Thomas House?

Thomas House is a small, specialised school for children with special educational needs located in Tha Ton, north of Chiang Mai. It provides a vital service to a rural area with very few options for children with special needs. Before Thomas House, children were either sent to schools that were ill-equipped and untrained to cater to their needs, or they did not attend school at all.

Smile Day

A big thank you to everyone who helped to make Smile Day 2022 such a huge success. The Primary School raised 89,601b which is being donated to Operation Smile to pay for life changing surgery for children born with cleft palates.

Please look here for more information about Smile Day at Bangkok Patana School.

Thank you - Christmas Collection

Year 3 are delighted to continue support Thomas House in Tha Ton. Year 3 are proud to have supported this charity for many years, particularly around Christmas time.

A huge thank you for your kind and generous donations. It's great to be able to offer up personal gifts of colouring sets as well as clothes and dolls for the children.

We were also able to raise  3,677 baht by selling Christmas cards made by the Thomas House students! A year 12 group also got involved and sold many cards raising more than 5000 baht!

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