Year 2 CAT

Year 2 support Children of the Forest Charity

Click the image below to visit Children of the Forest Charity

Children of the Forest Challenge

Year 2 recently held their Term Two Community Fundraising Event, the Children of the Forest Challenge, on Friday 5th April. This event, as always, proved to be very popular and highly successful. This was a non-competitive event with children encouraged to do their best and enjoy themselves whilst learning new spelling words.

The event raises important funds for our sponsored charity Children of the Forest, located in Kanchanaburi Province.

We are very pleased to announce that Year 2 raised a fantastic ฿87,903.

World Book Day Book Collection

As part of World Book Day, children across the Primary School were encouraged to make a donation of a new or near-new Thai language book which was collected for our respective charities.  

These books, well over 200 items including some board games, have now made their way to the Children of the Forest Charity and been gratefully received. 

Making donations such as these, really do have an enormous impact on the lives and opportunities of these children. For many local schools, books are a real luxury and due to their expensive costs, many local schools simply do not enjoy this wonderful resource. 

Friendship Friday 2023

Friendship Friday is an annual whole-school Patana event which has two important objectives; 1) connect children through fun and friendship, 2) to learn more about our Year Group charity and raise important funds for them.

In Year 2, our nominated charity is Children of the Forest Foundation. This charity is located on the Thai-Myanmar border in the province of Kanchanaburi and serves a vital role in supporting displaced and homeless children and their mothers. It provides education to children and teenagers which empowers them and opens opportunities to improve their life chances. The charity also provides important shelter, food and medical support.

Who are Children of the Forest?

Children of the Forest Charity were established in 2005 and are a Registered non-profit Foundation based in Sangkhlaburi, an area close to the Thai – Myanmar border. They are nestled amongst a community of approximately 150,000 stateless refugees who have escaped from years of oppression in Myanmar. Significant numbers in the community were born in Thailand but being denied Thai citizenship means their access to education, legal support and healthcare is denied. This makes the community highly vulnerable to all forms of exploitation, and children are an especially vulnerable group.

Children of the Forest supports families (particularly children and mothers) to break the repeating cycle of poverty. Their ‘Free School’ offers kindergarten and elementary programmes for up to 250 children – resourcing them with educational supplies and a daily breakfast and lunch. Their preparatory education programmes enable children to eventually transition into the Thai education system. Additionally, Children of the Forest provide a child protection centre for abandoned, abused or orphaned children. They also provide a mother’s refuge and healthcare clinic providing free healthcare treatment for families.

Refurbishment of Teenage Girls' Building

Thanks to the generous support of the Patana School Community, and our fantastic fund raising efforts throughout the year, (in particular our Term 2 Spell-a-thon fundraiser), we have been able to help fund refurbishment works to the Children of the Forest Girl's House.

Improvements have included replacing the bamboo floors with high-quality wooden panels, building two new outdoor salas which provide some quiet relaxation space, seating areas in the gardens and upgrading a storage hut to become a brand new vocational training multi-purpose room

These important improvement works provide an excellent vocational space for the girls to practice cooking, hairdressing and beauty care, which supports them in developing the skills needed beyond their time at Children of the Forest. Additionally, this supports real-life skills for later in life. Making a real difference to the lives of these girls - such fantastic news to hear and see. 

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