The Year 3 Times tables-athon!

What is it? 

This term, Year 3 will be taking part in our annual Times Tables-athon, a sponsored times tables speed-test. The purpose of this event is both to raise money for our charity, Thomas House, and to encourage the children to learn their times tables by heart. Quick recall of times tables, as opposed to using a method or strategy to work out the answer, helps free up space in children's working memory so that they can focus on applying their knowledge to other areas of the curriculum, for example, when learning about fractions, area and perimeter as well as other concepts that they will learn higher up in the school.

Which Times Tables? 

The children will choose three times tables to learn, choosing one set from the following group:

- 2, 5 and 10 times tables

- 3, 4 and 8 times tables

- 6, 7 and 9 times tables

- a mix of all times tables including division facts

We encourage the children to choose times tables they do not already know as we want them to challenge themselves and to improve their times tables knowledge. The children will have 4 minutes to answer as many questions as they can. They are not in competition with each other - we want them to compete with themselves, to practise and improve and show what a little hard work can achieve.

When will it happen?

The Times Tables-athon will take place on Monday the 27th March, giving the children time to practise their times tables and collect sponsors.

How do children collect the money?

You will find a sponsorship form attached to this letter. The children need to get sponsors to donate money. They do not need to send in the money until after the Times Tables-athon. Please send the money into school in an envelope with your child’s name and class.

Ways to Practise

Here are some ideas from the students and staff on how the children can practise and improve their times tables knowledge. 

Create a set of flashcards to help instant memorisation. 

Hit the button - great website with quick, timed tests for quick recall

Times table rockstars - a website/app that comes with a small cost but is well recommended by many teachers

Times - a website with plenty of activities for supporting the learning of times tables

Oxford Owl - Website with information, advice and activities for learning times tables

Youtube has plenty of times tables songs such as Mr Demaio and Jack Hartman

Or you can have them practise around the house. Ask them questions in their target times tables and see how quickly they answer. Have them count as they go up the stairs (e.g. 4, 8, 12, 16 etc.

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