Y3 Newsletter 07.10.22

Living our Values

We are kind, compassionate and respectful

It has been wonderful to see so may students in orange and black today! Showing true school spirit, whilst also helping others! 

Upcoming Events

EventDateLocationWho's Involved
Academic CPL Days13-14.10.22
Whole School
Half Term17.10.22 - 21.10.22
Whole School
Term 1B Starts24.10.22

Primary Parents' Workshop: Coffee and Information morning for Mandarin Speaking Parents
8am - 9am
Primary HallPrimary Mandarin Speaking Parents
Primary Science Week 24.10.22 - 29.10.22
Primary School
Primary Loi Kratong08.11.22
Primary School
Three way conferences10.11.22Y3Staff, parents and students

Primary Science Week

When we return from the mid-term break our students will take part in science week. Every day they will have a different science lesson to investigate!

We also have some very special visitors returning to the school to talk and learn with the students:



We encourage students to bring healthy, reasonably sized snacks to school, if they are not using the snack bar.

 A reminder that candy and chocolate are not allowed in school.

It is also our school policy that students do not share snacks.

There are plenty of healthy choices sold during break times and after school at our snack bar.

Thank you for your support.


Y3 Curriculum Term 1a

This term our learning is based around the books of Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake. 

If you would like more information about our curriculum please visit our Curriculum page here

Lost Property

We seem to have a lot of students losing their things at the moment! In Y3 we have a lost property box just inside the main doors. This is emptied every Friday and sent over to the main lost property at the front of school.

Please label and name your child's property and clothing with their name and class - many thanks!

Global Citizenship

One Green Goal

This year the Patana Student Environmental Committee and the Primary Community Action Team are inviting students, families, and our wider community to join us in the One Green Goal challenge. Choose a goal that is relevant to you and your setting. Here are some suggestions from our students:

Waste less food

Say no to plastic

Take fewer flights

Turn off appliances when leaving a room

Have a meat free day each week

Buy LED lights

Use natural light when available

Charge appliances in a car rather than at home

Make an ECO brick

Use the recycle bins available at school

Share lifts to school Do a beach clean during the holidays

Donate your old clothes

Encourage others to choose a One Green Goal!

We would love you to share your goal and become part of our One Green Goal movement. Upload a portrait style video, less than one minute long to this link: https://bangkokpatanaschool-my.sharep... We will feature videos on our media channels. Remember to take photos of you doing your One Green Goal. We will be inviting participants to stay in touch throughout the year.

Donate unwanted trainers

Please send in any unwanted trainers your little ones or indeed you may no longer have use for. There is a collection box in the Y3 shared area.


Happy Birthday next week and over the holiday  to....

Dominic 3A

Navy 3C

Gabriel 3J

Tuptim 3J

Sophia 3K

Jatym 3M

Hang Hang 3M

Charlie 3P

Edouard 3P

Molly 3T

Please ensure any snack or Birthday cakes/doughnuts that come into school are nut free. This is to ensure we are keeping all our students safe as ewe have some students in the Y3/4 Building who have severe nut allergies. Thank you for your help with this.

General Information


A warm welcome from PTG to all the parents old and new. If you would like to be a part of PTG and help out with future activities, do get in touch with us at ptg@patana.ac.th

Meanwhile here's a FUN video from us:

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -  Maya Hino

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Ms Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th

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