Y3 Newsletter 02.06.23

 Upcoming events


Public Holiday - School Closed Visakha Bucha Day (Buddhism)5th JuneWhole School
Busking Day 8th JunePrimary School
Dance Extravaganza Y1-Y612th JuneTheatre
Whole School Assembly - End of Year23rd JuneSports Hall

A note from the Principal

2 June 2023

A note from the Principal

Working in a school is truly a rewarding and unpredictable experience and this week has been filled with delightful moments and unexpected encounters!

Firstly, I had the pleasure of meeting our visiting author Mr. Matt Dickinson who climbed Everest. Then, I was called in by Year 2 students to assist in rescuing a toad from a pond, who sat with me for some time whilst he got warm. I counted to 100 with a student in Nursery, proving that learning knows no bounds. During lunchtime, I had the joy of hearing about the fascinating tales of two Year 5 students and their multiple pets. Lastly, I had the privilege of guiding Year 6 students in writing their own captivating stories based on a short film. Each of these encounters has reminded me of the immense joy and fulfilment that comes from working in a school environment, where every day brings new and wonderful surprises.

On Tuesday, another positive highlight was meeting our parents for an end of year celebration and reflection on all that we have achieved this year. Thank you for attending! If you have not yet had the opportunity, please do complete our short end of year parent survey. The deadline is on Monday, 5 June.

We hope you have a fantastic long weekend!

Sarah McCormack


School Shoes!

School shoes for August

Primary students are expected to wear white socks and plain black shoes to school.

Most of our students will have bigger feet by August, so please add these items to your shopping list for the holidays.


This term, we will be learning about the theme ''Might Metals". If you would like to find out more about this please follow this link 

Year 3 Swimming: Pajama swim !

LIFESAVING AND WATER SAFETY: Please can all students in 3A, 3C, 3M and 3T bring Pajamas or a lightweight long sleeved top and shorts / long trousers to their swimming lesson next week on Tuesday 6th June.

The other 4 classes will have their lifesaving lesson the following week due to Busking day.

All students will be learning vital lifesaving and water safety skills, wearing these clothes over the top of their swim kits. Therefore please do not forget to bring your actual swim kits to the lesson as well!

Global Citizenship


Please can you send in any card boxes, cereal packets or items that could be used for junk modelling. 

Busking Day

This is a charity event where all the students in Year 3 to 6 perform an act on repeat for about 40 minutes in a bid to raise money. During this time, the other students, parents and teachers walk around and drop coins at their favourite acts. 

The Y3 students have been challenged to start earning 5 and 10 baht coins to use when going around and watching the other students performing. We will be perfecting our own acts next week in our PSHE lessons.

Reading Book Amnesty!

We are missing a HUGE number of our levelled reading books from Year 3. Please would you mind having a really good look at home for any books that may belong to Year 3 (they should have a label on them saying 'Year 3 Curriculum') as we are missing over 100 books, making it extremely difficult for the children to change their book.

From the PTG


Happy Birthday this week goes to:

Saneyuki 3D

We hope you have a great day!

Please ensure any snack or Birthday cakes/doughnuts that come into school are nut free. This is to ensure we are keeping all our students safe as we have some students in the Y3/4 Building who have severe nut allergies. Thank you for your help with this.

Please click the picture below to visit your child's class blog.

DepartmentContact Number Email
Primary Office 02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -  Maya Hino

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Ms Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th

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