Y2 Newsletter 4.2.22

Living our values

We are healthy.

Please can we remind you that students should not bring toys into school to play with. They can get very upset if they get lost or broken. Thank you.

Welcome Tuk Tuk.

Thank you to the 140 name suggestions that were sent for the committee to consider! Congratulations to Anna Meller (Y13) who won a 300 THB for the Tiger Shop for the winning name of Tuk Tuk.  As seen in the photos above, Tuk Tuk even has a Patana card given by Mr Mills!

Friday 4th FebruaryBlock 2 ECA's finish

Wednesday 16th FebruaryMakha Bucha DaySchool closed
Friday 18th FebruaryBreak up - last day of Term 2A

Monday 28th FebruaryTerm 2B begins and Block 3 ECA's start

Wk beg 28th FebruaryY2 Spell-a-thon
All Y2 students
Thursday 10th MarchCatch up day for school photos

Friday 11th MarchSmile Day
All students and staff
Wednesday 16th MarchYear 2 Sports Day
All Y2 students
Friday 1st AprilBreak up - last day of Term 2B

Monday 18th AprilTerm 3 starts

Waste less week.

Next week, we are running our 7th annual waste less week (#WLW7). Each day has a theme.

7th Feb Monday – eat less meat

8th Feb Tuesday – remember to recycle your batteries and other materials (Terminal for batteries!)

9th Feb Wednesday – use your water bottle, use less paper etc leads to a Well-Being Wednesday

10th Feb Thursday – turn off lights and other items when not using.

11th Feb Friday – do not waste food, finish it!

Global citizenship

Did you know that you can send used batteries into school to be properly disposed of? Each classroom has a collection point which is then taken to a central location to be disposed of.

We are also very keen to make use of any materials that you may be able to send in for our junk modelling. 

Birthday celebrations

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. Your child's class teacher will try to get a photo to share with you.

Here are our birthdays for next week. Have a super day!

5th February ; Seima ; 2B

7t February ; Atyan ; 2L

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Tracey Williams trwi@patana.ac.th
Liam Bowden libw@patana.ac.th

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