Y2 Newsletter 2.6.22

 The Queens Platinum Jubilee

A sea of red, white and blue in school today!

Busking Day - 10th June

Year 2  Team Building Day - Friday 17th June

This year, will be the second year in a row that the Y2 students have had to miss out on their much anticipated end of year sleepover due to the Covid restrictions. So with this in mind, we have decided that we will have a team building day where the students will have the opportunity to join in some fun, educational activities with their friends. All specialist lessons will continue as normal. Please send your child to school in their P.E kit on this day and they will need a torch too. We are looking forward to a great day!

Please upload your child's ATK test results every week.  Students are not permitted to come to school without one.

Your support with this is vital and much appreciated. Results are uploaded via the Parents' Gateway.

Lost property

Global Citizenship

If you would like your child to be aware of world news and events but find it too overwhelming, have a look at Newsround for a more age appropriate version of current events.


New school shoes for the new school year

Please add plain black school shoes to your August shopping list. Shoes should be durable and support the whole foot. Plain black shoes can be sourced in many shops and department stores in Bangkok. If your child has to wear other shoes for a specific reason, please let the teacher know.

Say no to plastic!

Here is a useful video to watch if you would like to reduce the amount of plastic you use. Thank you Mr Noi and students.

Junk modelling

We are in need of tubes, cereal boxes, yoghurt pots, bottle tops and any other clean packaging for our junk modelling projects - thank you!

No toys in school

Please help your child to remember that they cannot bring toys in to school to play with. Our Covid protocols still do not allow this but it is also not something that we do in Key Stage 1. Students sometimes give away or trade a toy that was actually very special to them and it can be very upsetting for them. They are welcome to have a small toy in their bag that stays in there all day to comfort them on the bus or car journeys to and from school but no toys should be out during the school day. This includes toys like Pokemon cards and Beyblades.

Students in Year 3 and older have the option to bring in such items as they are better equipped to manage any problems that may arise.

HM Queen Suthida's Birthday - school closed - 3rd June
Dance Extravaganza - 6th June
Busking Day - fundraiser - 10th June
Patana Primary Concert - 13th June
Y2 Team Building Day - 17th June
End of year paperless reports published - 23rd June
Last Day of Term 3 - 24th June

Birthday celebrations

Birthday treats and plastic packaging

Patana students love celebrating each other’s birthdays, but are often dismayed by the plastic packaging when treats are brought into school. Our students are currently thinking about reducing plastic waste – and this is a change that we could all make. When bringing treats into school, please choose items that are not individually wrapped in plastic. We provide a paper napkin from a roll – so individually wrapped napkins are not needed. The children eat with their hands – so no need for individually wrapped forks or spoons.

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. Your child's class teacher will try to get a photo to share with you.

Please can we remind you,  to not bring in gifts for the class, either for birthdays, or on other special celebration days.

There is only one birthday in Y2 next week;

Sane 2P 5th June

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Tracey Williams trwi@patana.ac.th
Liam Bowden libw@patana.ac.th

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