Y2 Newsletter 17.12.21

Well being

We are motivated and engaged.

Coming up....

Next term we will be starting a new learning theme called 'Do you want to be a pirate?' we will have lots of opportunities to be creative and so need lots of empty boxes, packets etc so please send any junk modelling items when we return to school.

On Friday 14th January, we will have a Pirate Day and would like to encourage the students to dress up. It doesn't have to be a bought costume but the students can be involved in making their own. Here are some ideas...

Block 3 ECA sign up.


Next term, your child will have 2 PE days and 1 swimming day. On their swimming day, they wear their normal school uniform and have their swimming kit in their bags to change into. Swimming days are as follows:

Monday: 2B and 2P

Tuesday: 2J

Wednesday: 2L and 2S

Friday: 2E, 2T and 2C

New CSL provision

The current Hybrid CSL model will continue for the first week of Term 2. We wish to support our students’ learning the best we can, but we are moving to a CSL model for the following situations:

  • The student’s class/year group is closed for 3 days because of a Covid+ case/s.

  • The student is in 14 day isolation because they are Covid+ or a high risk contact.

  • The student has been overseas since the beginning of the academic year (August 2021) and is not able to return before 10th January 2022.

The situations in which we will not provide Hybrid CSL for are:

  • The student is on holiday or visiting family, including leaving school mid-term to travel.

  • The student is generally unwell. This includes symptomatic Covid+ cases. Once the student is well again, CSL will be provided for the remainder of their isolation period.

  • If a student is identified as low risk or no risk.

Other circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.

For queries, please contact the Primary Office.

Birthday Celebrations

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. Your child's class teacher will try to get a photo to share with you.

Here are our holiday birthdays. Have a super day!

19th December ; Yu Yu ; 2B

21st December ; Emma ; 2B

23rd December ; Minami ; 2P

24th December ; Charlotte ; 2T

26th December ; Nestor ; 2S

27th December ; Valentina ; 2L

28th December ; Matt ; 2P

31st December ; Max ; 2C

8th January ; Catherine ; 2P

11th January ; Isabel ; 2C

12th January ; Rei ; 2B AND Maki ; 2E

14th January ; Alisa ; 2S

Happy holidays from all the teachers in Y2!

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Tracey Williams trwi@patana.ac.th
Liam Bowden libw@patana.ac.th

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