Y2 Newsletter 04.3.22

Welcome to the start of another busy half term. Please read on to find details of some upcoming events.

We are celebrating students that make healthy choices.

Over the next few weeks we will be introducing the students to poetry. If your child has a favourite poem or nursery rhyme that they would like to share with their class, we would love to hear them. It would be really lovely to hear some poems in their home languages too.


Thank you for all of your support with our Spell-a-thon event which we held in school today. Your child will have brought home their spelling paper so that you can see how well they have done. Please start to collect their sponsor money and send it into school any time next week. We will let you know next Friday how much we have collected for our Y2 charity. THANK YOU!

Well being

Keeping Children at Home

If your child is feeling unwell, has a fever, or has any flu like symptoms, please do not send them into school.

If a child is sent to the school nurse with a fever, runny nose, cough, or sore throat, you will be asked to collect them from school.

Your support with this is vital and very much appreciated.

Smile Day 

On Friday 11th March, we will be celebrating Smile Day. Students are able to come to school wearing bright, colourful clothing and are asked to bring in a donation of 100B per child. The donations will go towards providing operations for children in need of cleft lip/palette surgery. In Year 2, we are looking forward to some fun activities and a special assembly too!

The Smile club is selling bracelets, also to raise funds for these operations.
Options include:
- “Smile” bracelet (as shown in the poster) 30THB
- Personalized bracelet (your name) 50THB
- Friendship bracelet (your name + another bracelet with your friend’s name) 90THB

Please order here: https://forms.gle/2todGL9m5UUVL26A9

Sports Day

Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th MarchCatch up day for school photos

Friday 11th MarchSmile Day
All students and staff
Wednesday 16th MarchYear 2 Sports Day
All Y2 students
Friday 1st AprilBreak up - last day of Term 2B

Monday 18th AprilTerm 3 starts

Global citizenship

Did you know that you can send used batteries into school to be properly disposed of? Each classroom has a collection point which is then taken to a central location to be disposed of.

You may not be aware that you can send in any ring pull tops for collection at school. These are used to make prosthetic limbs. The collection point is in the Primary Office but you can send them in with your child. The Y2 team will take them over to the main collection point.

Birthday celebrations

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. Your child's class teacher will try to get a photo to share with you.

Please can we remind you,  to not bring in gifts for the class, either for birthdays, or on other special celebration days.

Here is our one and only birthday for next week. Have a super day!

8th March ; Taeyeon ; 2B

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Tracey Williams trwi@patana.ac.th
Liam Bowden libw@patana.ac.th

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