Term 3 - We are what we eat!

Learning Theme: We are what we eat! 
The Big Idea
We need food to survive...but is that the only reason food is important? The children will explore the dynamic role food plays in our lives considering everything from the impact climate has on locally-grown produce to the significant part food plays in family celebrations. 
The Driving Question: What role does food play in our lives?
Patana Values Focus
Well-Being: We are motivated and engaged. 
Learning: We are critical, reflective thinkers. 
Global Citizenship: We are conscientious role-models. 


Burger BoyThe Bath Monster Reading 
As Writers we will...As Writers we will...As Readers we will...
 - sequence and retell a story using the past tense and time connectives. 

 - create, develop and describe a character drawing on personal experiences. 

 - use a known story structure to innovate my own version of the beginning, middle and end. 

 - reflect on my writing and edit where appropriate. 

 - begin to use a thesaurus to make adventurous word choices.  

 - make connections between the text and our own experiences to think creatively. 

 - use adventurous vocabulary, varied sentence structure and punctuation to write a description. 

 - use the features of non-fiction texts to set out and write a set of instructions and a recipe. 

 - learn how to accurately spell and use past tense verbs. 

 - make predictions using evidence from the text. 

 - innovate our own alternate endings using time connectives and paragraphing to organize our ideas clearly. 

 - continue to develop our phonic knowledge and use these skills to word read. 

 - develop experience and confidence using a range of reading strategies. 

 - ask questions and talk about what we have read. 

 - make connections between what we have read and our own experiences. 

 - expand our vocabulary and learn how to find the meaning of new words. 

 - use clues in the text to infer meaning. 

 - begin to read with expression using punctuation and our understanding of what we have read to help. 

 - learn how to use examples from the text to explain our thinking. 

 - consider why the author has written a text and made certain choices. 

 - understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction writing and begin to name and identify the features of both. 

Connected Learning

Connecting the Curriculum

In Humanities, we will use the enquiry cycle to investigate how food is important. We will try to answer our driving question: What role does food play in our lives? 
As Scientists we will be advising Benny Bowden (Burger Boy) on his current diet and how he can change it to achieve his exercise goals. We will analyse data, compare meals and food groups, debate with one another about the right choices for Benny and then present our final advice to him. 
As ICT Learners we will create animations. We will animate using simple tools and use a variety of animating techniques.  We will then plan and create animated clips with a specific purpose.
As Artists we will dive into the world of British artist and doodler John Burgerman and use a range of materials to produce our very own John Burgerman inspired doodles! As PE Learners we will rotate around the units of 'Net and Striking', 'Fielding Games', 'Dance and OAA' (outdoor and adventurous activities) as well as continuing with weekly swimming lessons.
As Musicians we will explore pitch and beat. 
As Thai Language and Culture Learners we will learn about animals and pets. 
As global citizens we will explore safe relationships, life cycles and the changes that happen as we grow through Personal, Social and Health Education.In Play we will explore the five main types of play in a child-led environment. Children will grow socially and emotionally whilst developing their 'learning-to-learn' or Executive Functioning skills.


If you have any questions regarding the Year 2 curriculum please contact:

  • Micky Williams - Year 2 Leader of Learning and Curriculum (miwm@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)