Term 2 - Adventures on the High Seas! 

Learning Theme: Adventures on the High Seas! 
The Big Idea
The ocean is enormous...but what does it have to do with us? The children will uncover the historical and geographical impact the ocean has on our everyday lives and why it is so important. 

The Driving Question: How are we connected to the ocean?

Patana Values Focus

Well-Being: We are responsible and honest. 
Learning: We are resourceful and resilient. 
Global Citizenship: We are diverse and inclusive. 


Imagine You're a PirateHow to Find GoldReading 
As Writers we will...As Writers we will...
As Readers we will...
 - use a range of drama strategies to explore the characteristics of pirates in a range of contextual scenarios. 

- create and develop a pirate character thinking carefully about our word choices and the impact they have on the reader. 

- recount a battle using adventurous vocabulary

- use the past and present tense accurately. 

- explore the different types of sentences and how they can be used. 

- begin to use a range of punctuation. 

 - infer meaning from illustrations making connections to our own experiences. 

 - use clues from the text to make predictions. 

 - make plans and begin to annotate as a way to share our ideas. 

 - verbalize narrative and create story-maps. 
 - write for a range of purposes. 

 - ask relevant questions to extend knowledge and understanding. 

 - consider and evaluate viewpoints. 


 - continue to develop our phonic knowledge and use these skills to word read. 

 - develop experience and confidence using a range of reading strategies. 

 - ask questions and talk about what we have read. 

 - make connections between what we have read and our own experiences. 

 - expand our vocabulary and learn how to find the meaning of new words. 

 - use clues in the text to infer meaning. 

 - begin to read with expression using punctuation and our understanding of what we have read to help. 

 - learn how to use examples from the text to explain our thinking. 

 - consider why the author has written a text and made certain choices. 

 - understand the difference between fiction and non-fiction writing and begin to name and identify the features of both. 

Connected Learning

Connecting the Curriculum

In Humanities, we will use the enquiry cycle to investigate the impact the ocean has on our everyday lives. We will try to answer our driving question: How are we connected to the ocean?

As Scientists we will explore a wide-range of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) challenges connected to our learning around life on the high seas. We will also delve into the world of Atomic Theory. 

As Artists we will use our design and technology skills to create and make clay sea monsters. We will also explore wax resist and collage. 

As PE Learners we will rotate around the units of 'Net and Striking', 'Fielding Games', 'Dance and OAA' (outdoor and adventurous activities) as well as continuing with weekly swimming lessons.As Musicians we will explore pirate music and develop our class orchestra. 
As Thai Language and Culture Learners we will learn to use action words in simple conversation. We will respond to questions about travelling, time, daily routines and the Songkran Festival. As global citizens, we will explore belonging to a community, keeping safe and money and work through Personal, Social and Health Education. In Play we will explore the five main types of play in a child-led environment. Children will grow socially and emotionally whilst developing their 'learning-to-learn' or Executive Functioning skills.


If you have any questions regarding the Year 2 curriculum please contact:

  • Micky Williams - Year 2 Leader of Learning and Curriculum (miwm@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)