Term 1B - Green Spaces

Learning Theme: Green Spaces
The Big Idea
We live in a big, busy, bustling city but it didn't used to be like that. Urban habitats develop gradually and their development is led by humans. Through a closer look at 'The Secret Sky Garden' and using their enquiry skills, the children will explore, investigate and discover how the world around them has changed and if that change was always for the better.
The Driving Question: How has the world around me changed?
Patana Values Focus 

Well-Being: We are responsible and honest. 
Learning: We are rigorous, inquisitive and creative. 
Global Citizenship: We are active stewards of the environment and our communities. 


The Secret Sky GardenThe SnowmanReading
As Writers we will...As Writers we will....As Readers we will....
 - read illustrations using our sharp eye to infer meaning from the pictures. 

 - write for a purpose. 
- create collaborative poetry. 

 - use a thesaurus to improve our descriptive writing. 

 - use clues from the text to describe a character. 

 - make predictions and comparisons. 

 - write in role, stepping into the shoes of a main character. 

 - learn how to use persuasive language. 

 - reflect on writing, editing where needed.

- begin to edit writing for grammatical errors. 

- use linking words like 'when', 'if', 'that', 'because' 'or' and 'but to write compound and complex sentences.  


 - explore how illustrations can tell a story. 

- use ambitious vocabulary to write a description. 

- sequence events using time words and paragraphs to order writing. 

- show a growing understanding of the beginning, middle and end of a story. 

- use inspiration and imagination to help us innovate our own version of a classic story. 

- reflect on our opinions around a story. 

- continue to develop our phonic knowledge. 

 - develop experience and confidence using a range of reading strategies. 

 - make connections between what we have read and our own experiences. 

 - expand our vocabulary and learn how to find the meaning of new words. 

 - learn how to use clues in the text to infer meaning. 

 - begin to read with expression using punctuation and our understanding of what we have read to help. 

 - learn how to use examples to explain our thinking. 

Connected Learning

Connecting the Curriculum

In Humanities, we will use the enquiry cycle to investigate the impact humans have on the world around them. We will try to answer our driving question: How can I change the world around me? 

As Scientists we will grow plants in different conditions and observe what happens to help us understand what plants need to grow. We will explore the life cycle of plants, the purpose of seeds and investigate how plants adapt to their environment. 
As ICT Learners we will make films. We will use digital tools to communicate information to a defined audience, edit and enhance images and learn to use film editing tools and techniques.
As Artists we will expand our drawing and painting skills. We will find inspiration in nature and explore the work of Monet. 

As PE Learners we will be focusing on 'Mindfulness' and learning some techniques to help us learn how to calm our minds. We'll also be 'Teaching games for understanding' where the children will learn about tactics and strategies within game-play. As Musicians we will explore pitch. 

As Thai Language and Culture Learners we will focus on the language surrounding 'Me and My Family' and the Thai celebration 'Loy Krathong'. As global citizens we will explore physical health, mental well-being and respecting ourselves and others through Personal, Social and Health Education. 
In Play we will explore the five main types of play in a child-led environment. Children will grow socially and emotionally whilst developing their 'learning-to-learn' or Executive Functioning skills.


If you have any questions regarding the Year 2 curriculum please contac

  • Micky Williams - Year 2 Leader of Learning and Curriculum (miwm@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)