Term 1A - The World Around Us

Learning Theme: The World Around Us
The Big Idea
The world is a big place and we are just a small part of it.  What do we know about the world around us? 
Along with 'The Snail and the Whale', the children will journey around the world discovering and exploring different habitats and the animals who live there. They will also begin to consider the impact humans have on the world around them. 
Our Driving Question: Why do animals live in different habitats?
Patana Values Focus

Well-Being: We are kind, compassionate and respectful. 
Learning: We are collaborative and confident communicators. 
Global Citizenship: We are ethical and informed. 


The Snail and the WhaleThe Storm WhaleReading
As Writers we will...
As Writers we will...
As Readers we will....
 - make connections to our own experiences and emotions. 
 - make predictions about characters and events. 
 - recount our own journey around the world using the habitats created by the children.

- begin to understand the different types of sentences and how they are punctuated.  

 - develop our understanding of nouns, adjectives and verbs and how carefully chosen vocabulary can be used to improve our writing.

- use the correct verb tense. 

- understand how to make sure my subject and verbs agree.  

 - consider the structure of our writing and use connectives to add detail and order. 
 - publish and reflect on our writing.  
- use a range of drama techniques to examine key events. 

 - begin reading illustrations, using our sharp eye to infer meaning from the pictures. 

 - use vocabulary to visualise a scene and write collaborative poetry. 

 - research facts and share information. 

 - use a story map to retell a story. 

- continue to develop our phonic knowledge. 

 - develop experience and confidence using a range of reading strategies. 

 - make connections between what we have read and our own experiences. 

 - expand our vocabulary and learn how to find the meaning of new words. 

 - learn how to use clues in the text to infer meaning. 

 - begin to read with expression using punctuation and our understanding of what we have read to help. 

 - learn how to use examples from the text to explain our thinking. 

Connected Learning

Connecting the Curriculum
In Humanities, we will use the enquiry cycle to explore the continents and oceans to help us answer our driving question: Why do animals live in different habitats?As Scientists we will learn to identify and name the different habitats. We will begin to sort and classify animals and explore the connection between their body parts and the habitat the live in.As ICT Learners we will explore digital literacy through use of Microsoft documents and presentations. 
As Artists we will investigate colour mixing, creating explosive effects with paint and combining watercolour with acrylic and paint pens, before creating our own 'Rousseau-inspired' camouflaged animal.

As PE Learners we will have opportunities to experience a wide range of ball skills and game play with a particular focus on speed, agility and quickness. We will also continue to develop and improve our water confidence and stroke technique during swimming.

As Musicians we will compose and perform our own rhythmic patterns.

As Thai Language and Culture Learners we will begin to understand and respond to basic greetings and simple instructions.  We will also use words about Myself, Numbers and My Family in simple dialogues.

As global citizens we will explore friendship and media literacy through Personal, Social and Health Education. We will explore the Code of Conduct, create our class charter and reflect on our feelings about the world around us using the 'Blob Tree'. 

In Play we will explore the five main types of play in a child-led environment. Children will grow socially and emotionally whilst developing their 'learning-to-learn' or Executive Functioning skills. 


If you have any questions regarding the Year 2 curriculum please contact:

  • Micky Williams - Year 2 Leader of Learning and Curriculum (miwm@patana.ac.th)
  • Mark Verde - Vice Primary Principal (mavd@patana.ac.th)