Connected Learning : How has  the world changed around me?


How have toys and games changed?

Do you play with any of these toys now? 

How are these toys different or similar to yours?

Click on these links to find out more!


How has transport changed?

Look at these pictures of different types of transport. 

What are the differences between old and new? Can you spot them?

What is the same?

Technology - Communication. Phones, laptops and tablets. 

Video here!

Have a look at a timeline showing how we have changed the way we communicate over time.

Communicate means to talk with each other or share information.

What's similar between old and new technologies? 

How do we use them? 

Do they still do the same job? 

Which ones are better? 

                         Lets Explore the Website Below!     


Look at these pictures of different types of clothing.

What are the differences between old and new? Can you spot them?

What is the same?

500 years ago in England

150 years ago in England

What about now (2023) , how was clothing changed? 


Buildings have changed a lot over time! 

Do you think these houses are all from the same country? 

What materials are they made of? 

What is different about these houses? 

Which type of home do you live in? 

Some buildings, such as temples, may have been there a very long time. Other temples may have been built recently but have a similar design so they look similar to older temples.