Home of Praise Yuletide Donation Drive

We are kind, compassionate and respectful.

Christmas Collection This year we continue to support the children attending Homes of Praise day nursery. The children in FS2 had the opportunity to interview the Head Teacher this week to find out more about the Nursery and children and to ask what we could donate this year. The HeadTeacher explained that now more than ever during the Covid pandemic there is a real need for Basic resources for cleaning and health care. However, the Head Teacher said they would also like to share some joy with the children by donating a small gift of stationery. Here are some ideas of what you and your child might be able to donate:

Health and Cleaning Care Laundry detergent & fabric softener D-nee, Baby bottle washing liquid. Dishwashing liquid. Floor cleaning liquid DUMEX Dugro milk powder, age 3, tasteless, Dettol Vegetable oil for cooking

Small stationary gifts:

Our children will be involved in wrapping the presents, to support their learning about being active volunteers helping others at Christmas time.

Helping our Youngest Children to Understand Giving:

To help your child to understand why we are supporting children in more need, it would be great if you could ensure your child knows what you are donating and why. You could upload photos or videos from the supermarket when you buy them or of the children loading them into the bags or car? You can use Seesaw to share these. We can then use these in class to discuss with the children. Do check out our new Foundation Stage CAT Blog where you can read about all the events we hold to raise funds as well as finding out more about Home of Praise Nursery.


Please note we need all donations by Friday 10th December Thank you in advance for giving generously to our Donation Drive for this wonderful Nursery! It makes a huge difference to their lives.

Please note we need all donations by Friday 10th December

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