Y3 Newsletter 11.10.24

International Day

How fabulous to see the whole school together as one huge community. Thank you to the PTG for organising this event and to all the students who took part in the Cultural Show.

A note from the Principal

Dear Parents,

The highlight of this week has to be our truly spectacular International Day. It was a beautiful celebration of our culture and community, and we cherished every moment—from the vibrant parade and cultural performances to the amazing food hall.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible, especially to our PTG for their tireless dedication and hard work.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

School Closed - Navamindra Maharaj Day in lieu14th October

Egyptian Day 16th OctoberY3Students - info below
Staff CPL - School Closed17th - 18th October

Half term 17th - 27th October

First day of Term 1B28th October
Students and Staff


Parents may have seen these new posters around the Primary school.

We recently shared the attitudes and behaviours that we want to help every student to learn and develop as they move through our school.

These attitudes and behaviours are grouped under our three key values: Safe, Curious and Kind.

We want these positive words, thoughts and actions to support and strengthen your child’s holistic development as they move through Primary and into young adulthood. Please help us champion these three key values by referencing our matrix of positive behaviours and attitudes in conversations with your child. The matrix is also available in Thai.

Egyptian Day - Next Wednesday!

The children have been putting the finishing touches to their costumes and are all ready for Wednesday. Please can you child wear light coloured t-shirts and shorts on this day. They will be bringing home their costumes at the end of the day. We will be posting lots of pictures on the blog.


Y3 Curriculum Term 1b

Next term we will be learning about Mythical Creatures. If you would like more information about our curriculum please visit our Curriculum page here.



Find out more about our Primary Technology Curriculum by following this link.

Link to Swimming Presentation

If you could not attend the presentation this week, please use this link for information:

Presentation Link

Dance Festival

International Day Competition

Class Blogs

Please visit our class blogs to find out about our learning in each of the classes!

Click on the image below and it will take you to the blog pages.


Happy Birthday this week to: 

Matthew 3C

Lennox 3G

Jojo 3T

General Information

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Mr Dan Hatfield daha@patana.ac.th

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