Y3 Newsletter 06.12.24

We are getting very knowledgeable about Mythical creatures. Keep an eye out for some new Mythopedia books arriving in the Primary Library soon! 

A note from the Principal

In our Primary School, it really is starting to feel a lot like Christmas! This is my favourite time of year, and I love the excitement as we all look forward to the end of term and the holidays.

Next week, our Mid-Year Reports will be published. As I write this, I am busy proofreading all the Year 6 reports. These reports are a celebration of the learning your child has done this term, and I encourage you to use them as a way to talk with your child about their successes and next steps. All of our Patana Primary students should feel proud of what they have achieved—we certainly are!

Sarah McCormack

Upcoming events and dates for your diary

Mid-Year Reports Published Wednesday 11th December

Christmas Under the StarsWednesday 11th DecemberTheatre & Front of School
Christmas Spirit Dress up dayFriday 13th December

Whole School Christmas Assembly Friday 13th DecemberSports Hall
Last day of Term 1BFriday 13th December

First day of Term 2AMonday 6th January

Residential Meeting for ParentsTuesday 21st January 

Half Term 10th - 16th February


Last week Dress code

On Friday next week, everyone in Y3 is encouraged to dress up for our Christmas Spirit Day. But in the lead up, it would great to see some Christmas accessories being worn ie ; Santa's hats, antlers, elves ears, sparkly headbands etc.

Gift Giving

Giving gifts to friends and family is a lovely thing.

However, we do not expect or encourage gifts from a family to the whole class.

Please do not bring in gifts, sweets, candy canes or toys for the class.

Edible gifts can cause problems for some families, and we do not allow sweets/candy in school.

Many of our students give gifts to families and children in need through our year group charities, and this we completely support. Please see below.

Christmas Donations

Please watch the video below to find out about this years Christmas Charity competition.

Next week, we will be selling bespoke Christmas cards (50ThB) and bracelets (50ThB) made by the students at Thomas House. All proceeds go to Thomas House.

Taking photos and videos of students on Campus

At Bangkok Patana School we welcome parents on to our campus.

As part of this agreement, all parents must agree to our Parents’ Safeguarding Code of Conduct.

This includes:

  1. Never taking images in toilets, changing rooms or areas where privacy is expected.
  2. Using judgement before taking and before sharing images of students.

During a regular school day, parents may only take images of their own child – unless they have sought and received permission from another family to include their child in a group photo.

Family employees with access to the campus must also abide by this rule.

Where and when can parents take photos and videos when on campus?

Location / event

Can parents take photos?

Parents invited to attend events/special days held outside buildings. E.g. Year Group Sports Day; Loy Krathong; Chinese New Year; International Day; Interclass Sports.


Inter-school sporting competitions including BMAC, FOBISIA, SEASAC.


ECAs including Seasonal Sports and Academy training (swimming, gymnastics, dance, tennis, football).


Year Group special dress up days and expos.

Yes – with guidance from year group or team leaders.

Theatre performances and special assemblies.

Follow guidance given by staff at the start of the performance.

Year Group or Key Stage assemblies


*Parents of musical performers may be invited to take a photo at the end.

Departure and arrival for Residential Visits.


Inside year group buildings on normal days


Attending own child’s birthday

May take photo of own child and/or own child with teacher

Taking photos or filming through windows


Y3 Curriculum Term 1b

Next term we will be learning about Dicovering our world and thinking about how far we can go. If you would like more information about our curriculum please visit our Curriculum page here.



Find out more about our Primary Technology Curriculum by following this link.

Workshop Presentations

If you could not attend the presentation this week, please use this link for information.

Christmas Concert

Class Blogs

Please visit our class blogs to find out about our learning in each of the classes!

Click on the image below and it will take you to the blog pages.


Happy Birthday this week to: 

Pintra 3H, Nabiel 3G, Tan 3J

General Information

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 3 Rep -

Primary Rep - Apollo Chansrichawla

Year Group Leaders
Mrs Diana Jones dijo@patana.ac.th

Mr Dan Hatfield daha@patana.ac.th

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