Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration link here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

Click here for EL Blog

Equipment for Today

  • MS Video Teams Call Today!
  • Reading Book
  • PE Kit: toilet roll, socks or soft ball
  • Literacy - Paper and pencils
  • Laptop or PC

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book

Lesson 1: Literacy- Can I write a poem?

Today we will be learning a new poetic technique called:

Still unsure? Click the drop down boxes for examples!

You must watch the Onomatopoeia Alphabet video below.

Your task is to create an onomatopoeia word bank with as many sounds as you can.

Choose from the three options below the challenge level that is right for you! Below each challenge is an example of what this will look like. 

Challenge 1: Use the video to create a word bank of onomatopoeia words and matching noun phrases.

Challenge 2: Use the video to create a word bank of onomatopoeia words and matching noun phrases. Use adjectives to give more description to the noun.

Challenge 3: Use the video to create a word bank of onomatopoeia words and matching noun phrases. Use adjectives/verbs/adverbs to give more description to the noun.

EL: Can you include other types of figurative language in order to create a vivid image in the reader's mind? You could use alliteration, similes, metaphors and personification?

 Time to ........

Take a Break!

Lets dance!

Put on your favourite song/ music and dance yourself dizzy! You could even try to make up a short dance routine.

Lesson 2:  Maths

Can I create a bar chart?

Step 1: Watch the video.

Step 2: Answer the questions asked in the video.

Step 3: Using the data you collected in your tally chart yesterday, create a bar chart to display your results.

Step 4: Write 5 questions about your bar chart for your friends to answer via your blog.

Extra Challenge:


Lesson 3: PE: Can I aim at a target?

Warm up:

Follow along to the Trolls, try and get a family member to do it with you!

Main activity- Watch Mr Tristan’s Video.

  • Can you create your own targets and copy the same skills?

  • What other parts of the body can you use to send objects to a target?

  • Can you create a fun game to play with members of your family?

Extension (optional) - Can you try and do some extra throwing and catching?

If you would like to share your PE Challenge click below:

  • Remember - If you would like to video yourself attempting the challenges then upload them to the Primary PE blog using this link
  • Clips should under 1min (10mb)
  • Please put your name and class
  • If you have put any clips on, remember to check the page for your feedback.

Take a break!

Lesson 4: MFL



Can I understand and say words for numbers in German?

  1. Go to Linguascope,

  • enter username: bpsmfl, Password: langs4life

  • Follow this path: Beginner-German-Die Grundlagen-Die Nummern: do Einführung, Hör Zu, Qual der Wahl and Memory

  1. Please click on Das Zahlenlied (the number song)

  • Sign in with your real name

  • Watch the video

  • Answer the questions and

  • Submit your answers


Can I say colour words in Chinese?

Watch this video about colours, learn the words, repeat after each colour

Play Quizlet game here

Username: Mandaringuest Password: Mandarinisfun


Watch this video

LI Can I show my understanding?

Follow this link to do the assignment for today.


Did you read many pages of Big G poem last week?

Did you find some words which are challenging for you? What are they?

Did you find the rhyming words used in the poem? Can you match the rhyming words in pairs? Sound the words out.

This week we will focus on writing sentences to summarise the poem read.

LI: Can I write sentences about the poem read?

Before reading, let’s watch Kru Pranee talking with us about a Thai dessert that links with Page 7 of the story Big G.

Follow the link.

Big G บิ๊กจี 20 March.pdf



EAL- Click the image to to access our EAL CSL Blog page;


Lesson 5: ICT

 Can I share my learning?                Can I embed a resource?

Mr Max and Mr Glenn would like to to share your Scratch games. Please create a short blog post to share your game. They are both looking forward to seeing what you have achieved so far.

For the guidance for this lesson please follow this link

Enjoy listening to Miss Abi reading a poem!

Resources needed for Art tomorrow

  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1 cup Salt
  • food colouring


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!


  1. Hello I love the poem that miss Abi did it was really funny

    Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 31/03/2020 at 07:16

    1. Hello

      Posted by Jiho Kim, 31/03/2020 at 07:57

      1. yeah :)

        Posted by Samantha {Sam} Jaggs, 31/03/2020 at 08:03

      2. What are we making for art tomorrow

        Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 31/03/2020 at 07:19