Thursday 23rd April

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration link here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

Click here for EL Blog

Resources for today

  • A4 or A3 paper, pencil, eraser
  • Reading book 
  • Laptop/ipad or tablet for live lesson

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book.

Library - LI: Can I plan for research?

To tie in with your connected learning topic on zoo enclosures, we will research the needs of our chosen zoo animals.

RQ: What do zoo animals need to stay healthy in their enclosure?

Learning task: Complete the "I know, I wonder" sheet to show prior knowledge and generate questions.

Click here to be directed to Mr Damon's Blog Page!

Session 2 Art: Can I draw a landscape?

Learning Task: On the Primary Art Blog: Introductory video and PowerPoint. 

Follow Link:

Resources: A4 or A3 paper, pencil, eraser

How will you share your learning: Draw your landscape on an A4 or A3 piece of paper and share it on your blog

Time Frame: 2 lessons (30 to 40 minutes per session)


PE: Can I create a movement sequence?

Warm up- Complete the balance quest. Can you complete all of the balances? Make sure you try it on both sides.

Main Activity- Open the gymnastics routine powerpoint. Have a look through all the slides and then perform your own.


LIVE LESSON: LI: Can I add lengths?

Don't forget to log onto your class channel at 11am for your live maths lesson with your teacher. For this session you will need paper/notepad and a pen/pencil. 

Success Criteria

Challenges for todays session

Lunch -5 Minutes of Mindfulness

Connected Learning: Can I research and evaluate?

In Connected Learning, we will design a zoo enclosure for an animal.

Enclosure Design – Background Information

• Zoos display living things. Zoos that existed over 100 years ago were very different to the modern zoo of today. Early zoos tried to display as many animals as possible in order to attract the greatest number of visitors. In those days people had little or no understanding of the behaviour, habitat or needs of the animals. This led to the displaying of animals in small, dirty, heavily barred cages that resulted in abnormal behaviour by many animals and little education was provided for the visitor.

• Today zoos limit the size of their collections and enclosures have an overall theme, eg. South East Asian Rainforest, African Plains, Wetland Birds, Australian Rainforest. Also, mixed exhibits are more common, which is when more than one species live together in the same enclosure.

• A great deal of planning and discussion goes into developing an enclosure or group of enclosures. Apart from external involvement from, eg Architects, Designers, etc, the expertise of many Zoo Staff is also utilised. These may include Education Officers, Zookeepers, Horticulturists, Maintenance staff, Graphics designer and others.

• Naturalistic enclosures encourage animals to behave and reproduce as they would in the wild. However, it is almost impossible to completely recreate a natural habitat and compromises need to be made.

• Factors related to public viewing, safety, information, etc. and safe and easy access for Keepers and Maintenance staff also need to be considered.

• Funding (Sponsorship, Donations, etc) is also a major consideration.

• Signs are now a critical part of the enclosure as they provide the public with more information, particularly about the problems affecting species, the Zoo’s role in Conservation and how the Public can play a role in Conservation.

Story time.....who will it be today?


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!