Monday 20th April

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration link here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

This week we start our online live lessons. We will have ours on Wednesday and Thursday as highlighted below. Your class teacher will also have contacted you regarding your well-being chat times.

Click here for EL Blog

Equipment for Today

  • MS Wellbeing chat - Laptop
  • Maths- 5 plastic containers
  • Dried pasta, rice or alternative grain
  •  Laptop, paper, pencils and coloring pencils

Ingredients needed for baking cookies on Tuesday are in the drop down below;

  1. For baking: 





    Vanilla Extract

  2. For decorating:

    Icing Sugar

    Food colouring

    Sweets or dried fruit

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Lesson 1: Maths - LI: Can I measure?

Questions to guide your thinking

  • Which container holds the most?
  • Which container holds the least?
  • Predict which one you think will hold the most.
  • How do you know?
  • Prove it!
  • Can you order the containers from the one that holds the most to the least?
  • Which animal do you think will eat the most?

Useful Vocabulary

Extra Challenge - Capacity Countdown Game here


Lesson 2: Literacy / Science - LI: I can make observations? Can I take notes?

Today you will be ‘travelling’ virtually to view some of the wonderful wildlife we have in our world!

We would like you to take a virtual tour of the San Diego Zoo and Georgia Aquarium.

First watch these helpful videos to see how to navigate the websites.

For video links click here

Instructions for the tour:

Instructions for the webcam:

Links to San Diego Zoo and Georgia Aquarium below

Links to San Diego Zoo and Georgia Aquarium - click here

  • Link to webcam:

  • San Diego Zoo

While you are touring around, make sure that you have a pencil and paper ready. You will need to make brief notes about the following:

  • What animals can you see?

  • What type of habitat do they have?

Success Criteria:

Brain Break 

Can you......

Thai Culture 

Thai for non-Thai speakers

LI: Can I say Thai words of food correctly?

Step 1: Choose 5 pictures/foods you would like to learn today.

Step 2: Listen to the sound of each word or search how to say those words in Thai with your parents or care taker.

Step 3: Repeat those Thai words again and again till you feel confident.

Step 4: Record your voice to tell about food you choose and share it to your Thai teacher.

Thai for Thai speakers

LI: Can I read and understand the meaning of vocabulary learned?

ฉันสามารถอ่านออกเสียงคำที่มีตัวสะกดได้ Follow the link:

Lunch time!

PSHE - L.I. Can I Spread Kindness?

How full is your kindness jar?

Today we are going to spread a little kindness by thinking about how others may be feeling at this time.

Take a minute to think about how you are feeling right now. Then take a minute to think of a person special to you. How might they be feeling today?

Making a kindness postcard:

Challenge: Write a postcard to a family member, neighbour or a family friend to brighten up their day and to let them know they are important to you and that you care about them.


  1. Take a piece of A4 card or paper and cut it in half.

  2. On one side rule lines for writing and draw a stamp in the top right corner.

  3. On the blank side of the postcard draw and colour a picture that will make them really smile.

  4. On the lined side of your postcard write them a little letter showing them that you are thinking about them and that you care about them. You might add something bright and funny that will make them smile too!

  5. Send your postcard. Do not go out to post the card.

You will probably need to be quite clever about this and take pictures of the postcard to send via e-mail or an app on your parent’s phone with their help.

  1. Maybe you could send it to more than one person to brighten up their day!

  2. Be kind !

Special Story Time.....who will it be today???


   Please click here for ECAs