Friday 3rd April

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration link here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

Resources for Today

  • Science experiment: Water, ice, salt and sugar

  • Tablespoon

  • Stopwatch/timer

  • paper, pencils

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Literacy- Can I perform a poem?

On Wednesday, you were asked to write your own poem titled ‘Sounds of Bangkok’ or something of your choice. Today we would like you to perform the poem you created on Flipgrid.

First, please watch this short video that will explain how to log in to Flipgrid.

Now please watch the poem performance by Ms Stacey. You will need to click on this link and sign in to Flipgrid. Then SCROLL down until you see her face!

What did you think of Ms Stacey’s performance?

Look at the ladder below and think…

Was she successful? Did she follow the steps on the success criteria?

Now it is your turn! Make sure to practise and prepare everything you need for your performance before you record.

Once you’re ready you must CLICK on the link for your class below to access Flipgrid and upload your video.

If you were unable to write your own poem, then you may use Ms Stacey's poem, which is in the section below for you to learn and perform! 

See the table below for the link for your classes Flipgrid site!

Ms Stacey's 'Sounds of Bangkok poem in the drop down box below; 

For the extra challenge from Ms Keri see the message below;

1. Can you vary tone, pace, volume, use actions and facial expressions. 

2. Can you make a video and send it to Ms Keri?

5 Minute Brain Break!

Guided Reading

Challenge: Read a book of your choice for 15-20 minutes and then choose ONE of the activities from the grid below.


Science and Maths - combined lesson

What Makes Ice Melt Faster?

Today, you are going to complete an experiment to try and answer the question above.

  • Does adding salt to ice and water slow down, speed up, or not change the rate the ice melts in the water?
  • Is salt the only substance to have this effect? What about sugar?

First: Make a prediction, will one do you think will melt first?

Next: Follow the instructions in the drop down box below for your practical enquiry; 

  • Fill each cup with water.
  • Add the same amount of ice to each (about four to five cubes, depending on size of cups).

  • In the cup labeled “salt,” sprinkle on a tablespoon of salt. Do not stir.

  • Immediately sprinkle a tablespoon of sugar into the cup labeled “sugar.” Do not stir.

  • Start the stopwatch / timer
  • Note down the amount of time it takes for the ice to completely melt into water for each cup.

  • Clean out the cups and repeat experiment at least once more to check results

Finally: Can you record your results in a chart? 

Continue into the Maths learning to see how to show your results.

 Maths - Representing the data collected in Science

L.I. Can I represent data?

Step 1: Using the data that you have collected in science today create a chart. It can be a bar chart or pictogram.

Step 2: Create questions about your data (see example below)

EL here


Can you add to your kindness jar by helping prepare the food or set the table for todays lunch?

MFL- choose the drop down for the language you need:



Guten Morgen Klasse 3

Can I understand and say words for numbers in German?

  1. Go to Linguascope,

    • enter username: bpsmfl, Password: langs4life

    • Follow this path: Beginner-German-Die Grundlagen-Die Farben: do Wordsearch and Teste dich

  1. Go to Quizizz ,

    • enter the code: 158070 , sign in with your real name and

    • complete the quiz. You should get at least 65%, if not, do the quiz again.


Can I say colour words in Chinese?

Revision of colour words and learn to sing colour song here

Complete worksheet here



Watch this video

Unit: Greetings

LI Can I listen and understand words?

Follow this link to do the assignment for today.


Story time

Today is someone's birthday.....

........and a Happy Birthday in the holidays to...

  1. 3A Liam, Krista, Rhea and Peter

    3F Vic, Elsa

    3H Sam

    3K Jayraj, Kenneth

  2. 3J Preen

    3S Annabelle, Jude

    3M Amelie, Ying Ying and Izna

    Miss Hannah and Miss Lorraine!


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!