Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning Year Three!

Please make sure you register your child using the link each day

Registration link here

Don't forget that if you have any questions or need help with anything please email your class teacher.

Click here for EL Blog

Resources for today

  • junk modelling materials
  • ruler
  • paper and pencils
  • sticky tape

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book.

Library - click here to be directed to Mr Damon's Blog Page! 

PE- Can I complete a challenge?

Warm Up- Can you dance with the minions? Grab a family member and see how you go!

Main activity- Watch Miss Zoe’s video. Listen to the instructions carefully and try your best to complete all the activities.

Extension (Optional)- If you feel like you still have energy to do more, then try and complete the 5 exercises in the box below;

Remember - If you would like to video yourself attempting the challenges then upload them to the Primary PE blog using this link

Clips should under 1min (10mb)

Please put your name and class

If you have put any clips on, remember to check the page for your feedback.


Maths- Can I present data?

Today your challenge to use on type of data that you have collected this week to create a pictogram! 

Watch the video below to see how Ms Abi has created hers! 

Extra Challenge? Click the drop down below!

E.L. Maths see below:

Connected Learning - Geography and Design and Technology- Part 1

This is a double lesson so you may wish to continue after lunchtime!

Last week, you planned a house for a specific climate. Today, you will use junk modelling and your plan to make your house!

Use whatever you have at home to make your house. Remember to ask for permission from an adult and recycle and re-use as much as possible. You can even use Lego!

Be as creative by including items from around your house that you can ‘borrow’, e.g. water bottles, cups, plates and so on.

What materials do you have to make your house? 

Do you need to alter your plan so that you can use these materials?

You will need your house for tomorrow’s lesson. 

Keep it in a safe place. 

Take a photo of it.

Success Criteria

My building:

  • includes the same features as my plan;
  • is to scale (a small room on your plan, should be small in your building, the windows on your plan should be the same size on your building);
  • is strong (you can nudge or knock it and it won’t fall over);
  • looks like a real building because it has details drawn on it, e.g. windows, doors, bricks or holes for windows with transparent material for glass etc.
  • uses at least 2 materials, e.g.cardboard and paper or Lego and tissue paper etc.
  • suits a particular climate. Test this by asking a family member to guess for which climate your house is designed.
  • I used a ruler to measure and draw straight lines.

Lunch -5 Minutes of Mindfulness

Use your nose!

You will need something fragrant to smell such as a piece of fresh orange or lime peel, a jasmine flower or lavender. Find a quiet place to sit down. Close your eyes and breath in the scent, focus all of your attention only on the smell of that object. Scent can be a really powerful tool for relaxing.

Connected Learning: Geography and Design and Technology- Part 2

Continue creating your amazing homes.

Story time.....who will it be today?

Resources for Friday

  • You will need lots of ice cubes - so please make some this afternoon!


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!