Monday 18th May

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Science: Can I carry out a practical enquiry?

Today you will be starting our new science unit! See the power point below to build upon what you learnt in Year 2 about Atomic Theory. You will be recapping on language and making comparisons through observations in your challenges. 

Challenge: Play the magnification quiz- how many did you guess correctly? 

Maths- Live Lesson @ 9am


EL here
EL answers here

Take a break!

Literacy: Can I respond to an image?

Look carefully at the image. What are you thinking?

Challenge: For today, you need to create your own ‘wonder wall’ poster. You can print this image OR paint/draw your own.

Then stick post it notes on your poster to answer these questions:

  • What do you see?
  • How do you feel
  • What does this image remind you of?
  • Who could it be?
  • What predictions can you make?

Y3 EL BLOG -click here

Thai Culture 

Thai for Non-Thai speakers

LI: Can I make simple questions?

Step 1: Watch this video that shows you what you would learn today.

Untitled: May 13, 2020 3:21 PM.webm

Step 2. Open this google slide file and follow the instructions. Please remember to log in with your Patana user name.

Lesson 18.05.2020

Step 3: Share your work with your Thai teacher.

Thai for Thai speakers

LI: Can I write sentences ?


Step 1: Watch a video that shows you what you would learn today.

Step 2: Download a story and read.

Step 3: Download the worksheet and follow instructions.

Step 4: Share your learning by taking photos of your work and email or share via Google Doc. to your Thai teacher.


PHSE:  I understand how to have a good night's sleep

  • How are you feeling today?
  • Did you have a good night's sleep last night?
  • How many hours did you sleep?

Carefully read through the powerpoint and try the quick quiz.

Challenge: Make a sleep diary

  • Make your own sleep diary. (see examples below)
  • Keep it in your bedroom and record your sleep times for one week.
  • Find out exactly how much sleep you are getting each night.
  • How could you improve on your sleep?

Example 1

Example 2


Due to potential copyright issues please do not download or share the story- thank you!


Please click here for ECAs

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  1. this is fun!

    Posted by Tsz Kiu {Kate} Leung, 18/05/2020 at 08:00

    1. i finished today was awesome!!!!!

      Posted by DB:Cloud:DB:iSAMSstu:10942, 18/05/2020 at 10:35