Tuesday 28th April

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

This weeks live lessons are;

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Maths: LI: Can I measure?

First collect the measuring tools mentioned above.

Then look at the statements below and try to find items that match them. For example; Find a container that holds 100ml of water. You will need to look for a container and measure how much liquid it can hold.

Record your results in a table.

Success Criteria and items to find!

EL investigation here

Literacy Live Lesson- starting at 9am

LI: Can I write a non-chronological report?

Challenge: Today we will be writing our paragraph on the 'appearance' of your chosen animal. Below are some visual aids to help with your learning. 

Success Criteria

Animal Adejctives Visual Prompt



Brain Break 

PE: Can I play fairly using new rules?

Can I play fairly using new rules?

The link provided contains both the warm up and the main activity today. Make sure you read all the instructions carefully. You will need a dice and someone to play against.


EAL - click here

EAL - Green Team - LIVE Lesson in Microsoft Teams with Miss Jenene @11am.

EAL - Red & Purple Team - Finish your EAL learning from last Friday's Blog. Design your 'COVER' in our EAL Library Book Creator. Your 'Cover' can be anything you like.

1st. See the EAL Blog: https://patana.fireflycloud.asia/eal/year-3-eal-csl-blog-1/friday-24th-april-2020

2nd. Go to EAL Book Creator: https://app.bookcreator.com/library/-LNKy2EOlRvwIuKHxmyN


German - click here


Guten Tag Klasse 3,

Can I understand, say and write words for animals in German?

Go to Linguascope,

    • enter username: bpsmfl, Password: langs4life

    • Follow this path: Elementary-Trallala-Tiere:

      • do the activities Einleitung, Spiel Nr.1 and Spiel Nr. 2

      • Print out “Arbeitsblätter” and complete the worksheet. Take a picture of the completed worksheet and mail it to gaod@patana.ac.th.

Mandarin - click here



Can I count in Mandarin?

Have fun with this Chinese number rap song here

Practice Chinese numbers with this song here

If you prefer to learn the words without music, follow this link

Challenge: you can challenge yourself and learn up to 100 following this link

French - click here

French - PABU

Can I say some words and phrases to describe the weather?

Please Watch the video https://youtu.be/s82VgYY9sfY

Thai - click here


LI: Can I answer questions about a story read?


Follow the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B7ZMQ79mVe98A0GAzXEEREOPPvVELWrDe3ySnLqM-CA/edit#heading=h.j85lcth6sdp1

Spanish - click here


Unit: Introducing myself.

LI Can I introduce myself?

1- Watch this video

2- Watch the video below and answer the questions. Who wants to say “Hola”?

3- Click on this link and do the activities for today.


After lunch today can you help with the washing up?


Digital Literacy – Can I find information?

Use this link to take you to the ICT pages: here

Today you have  a searching challenge.

Step 1 - Search Simple wiki metal

Step 2 - Use Ctrl + F to find words

Step 3 - Write facts about metals from the resources on the page.

Step 4 - Choose one metal and write another fact.

Step 5 - Record it onto the FlipGrid.


Due to potential copyright issues please do not download or share the story- thank you

Before we go.....it's someone's birthday today....... Happy Birthday Jiho and Plearn!


Please click here for ECAs