Monday 27th April

Good Morning Year Three!

Registration link here

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

Maths LI: Can I measure lengths?

Easy Paper Airlane Video;

Bionic Paper Plane Tutorial Video;

Learning Challenge:

EL : Check out John Collins, the paper airplane guy.

Can you make the long distance World Record glider? If you do, measure the distances your plane travels. Will your measurements include metres and cm?

See EL blog for another task related to the Paper Airplane Guy.

5 Minute Break- Strong Arms!

Science - Can I carry out a practical enquiry?

Key Question: How do polar bears keep warm?

Polar bears are amazing creatures - but how do they keep warm in Arctic conditions?

Polar Bears can’t just put a warm coat on, so they have adapted to grow a very special layer of fat called “blubber” which keeps them warm.

Let’s find out how it works: Today in our science you are going to make a “blubber glove”

There are two choices, the messy one and the clean one! Click the options below to see the ingredients/equipment list and the two options;

Ingredient and Equipment List;


The messy way:

The messy way:

  1. Fill a large container with lots of ice and water

  2. Put one hand in the cold water - it’s cold!

  3. Now smear your hand with lots of fat and repeat

  4. What is the difference?

  5. Can you keep your hand in the cold water for longer?

The clean way:

The clean way:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above

  2. Fill one of the the bags with a few tablespoons of fat

  3. Put one of your hands into a clean bag and push it into the bag filled with fat.

  4. Put tape around the top to stop any fat escaping!

  5. Put your blubber glove into the icy water.


What did you discover?

Can you find any other animals that rely on blubber to keep warm?


Literacy - LI: Can I make notes?

Research Key Question:

What does your animal look like?

Challenge: Today you will be researching and writing notes about the appearance of your chosen animal.

Remember to use the links provided to carry out your research and make notes about your animal’s appearance in your google doc.


Can you find out the answers to these questions for your chosen animal?

  • What does your animal look like?

  • What is the most unique feature your animal has?

  • Does your animal have any funny or interesting behaviour?

Thai Culture 

Thai for Non-Thai Speakers

LI: Can I make sentences?

Step 1: Open Powerpoint.

Follow the link:

Step 2: Listen to the sound of each word by clicking the picture

Step 3: Repeat the Thai words and sentences again and again till you feel confident.

Step 4: Choose your challenge and then make a voice recording about your food and share it to your Thai teacher.

Top Tip: You can create a voice recording in your class google individual folder!



L.I. Can I Spread Kindness?

Take a minute to decide how you are feeling today ?

How can we make others feel better and a little more positive today?

In the UK children have been very busy making colourful rainbow posters to show others they care and to keep people feeling happy and positive.

Task: To make a kindness poster

Make a Kindness Poster

  1. Decide on the size of your poster A4 or A3 and choose the paper.

  2. Think about what you want to say, make the message kind and positive. You may choose to write it in your home language.

  3. Sketch out the design on the Paper. Lightly draw a guideline with a pencil and ruler to keep the letters straight.

  4. Write your message large in the center of the poster, keep your letters evenly spaced to make it easy to read.

  5. Use the top, bottom and sides of your poster to decorate it.

  6. Colour your poster with coloured pencils, markers or paints.

  7. You may wish to outline letters in black pen. Add glitter, ribbon or stickers if you wish.

  8. Use Blue Tac or Sticky tape to fix your poster in a window or on your front door where lots of people will see it.

  9. Take a photo of your finished poster and upload it to your google doc.

Be Kind!

Story time......who will it be today? 

Due to potential copyright issues please do not download or share the story- thank you!


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