Thursday 30th April

Good Morning Year Three!

Resources for Today

  • Laptop/chromebook or iPad to access google drive
  • Notepad/pen and paper
  • Reading book
  • Junk  modelling - cardboard boxes, tubes, straws
  • Glue or cellaptape 
  • Optional: rocks, leaves card, paper, small toys such a mini trees or lego, paints

Reading for Pleasure: Spend the first 15 minutes of your day enjoying your reading book!

EAL - Red&Purple Team - LIVE Lesson in Microsoft Teams with Miss Jenene @8am. You will not do Library today.  


Click here to be directed to Mr Damon's Blog Page!

Maths Live Lesson

LI: Can I add using the expanded column method?

Lessons to begin at 9am in your class channels- don't forget to have a pad/paper and pencil ready!

Success Criteria and Tasks

EL Challenges:

Answers will be sent to your class channels at lunch time so you can self-assess your learning!

Break- Take a break......and try these breathing techniques!

Art: Can I draw letter and number animals?

Learning Task: You are going to draw animals over your Zoo landscape. Follow link to the art blog:

Sharing your learning:

How am I going to share my learning? Share your finished art on your Google Drive and share it with me in this link:

PE: Can I create and aim at my own target?

See the google slides PowerPoint below for both the warm up and the main activity today. Make sure you read all the instructions carefully.


Connected Learning: Can I combine materials and follow a design?

Watch the video below to see a creative example of a Zoo in a shoebox!

When working with architects, zoo staff like to see what the enclosure will look like to imagine it in the zoo before they begin construction.

Challenge: Make a 3D model using junk materials of the enclosure that you have designed for your designated animal. You could use Lego if you like. Be creative!

Extra Challenge Drama

Pretend you are an architect working for a zoo. Record a video of yourself and talk through all the features that your enclosure design and enclosure model have. Explain why everything is included in your design.

Extra Challenge Science

Make a small model of your animals to put in your enclosure.

Storytime.....who will it be today??

Before we's a few people's birthday over the next few days......


Follow this link for some ideas about extra-curricular activities you can do at home!