Y2 Newsletter 18.3.22

We are global citizens.

The Spell-a-thon proved to be highly successful and we are very pleased to announce that you raised a fantastic 128,500฿ for our sponsored charity. Through discussions with Year 2 staff and Children of the Forest, we have decided to put the money towards paying the salary for one year for a part-time sports coach for the students. Here is what we have been told;

Billy is Karen and has grown up at Children of the Forest. After attending our own school, then local elementary school, Billy graduated high school in 2018. He was then accepted by Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University to study a four year degree course for sports education and teacher training, with the view to become a qualified sports teacher. Billy has enjoyed the degree course and teacher training experience very much, he will graduate next month in good time for our new school term commencing mid-May.

This is a great example of the work that is done at Children of the Forest. We all felt this was a wonderful use of the money since sports and well-being form such a crucial component of a wholistic education. A huge thank you to the wonderful efforts of Year 2 students and the generous Patana School community.

Smile Day

We also managed to raise 14, 500฿ for Operation Smile last week during Smile Day - THANK YOU!

We are healthy.

The Year 2 students did an amazing job at our Sports Day this week - they had opportunities to throw, jump, run and bounce as well as being kind and caring to their team mates as they encouraged each other to do their best.

Tiger Spirit Day

ECA block 4 changes

Well being.

Keeping Children at Home

If your child is feeling unwell, has a fever, or has any flu like symptoms, please do not send them into school.

If a child is sent to the school nurse with a fever, runny nose, cough, or sore throat, you will be asked to collect them from school.

Your support with this is vital and very much appreciated.

Holiday dance camp.

The Dance Academy is delighted to share the news that we will be hosting a holiday dance camp for the first time. The camp is scheduled to take place on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th of April and will be super fun! To sign up, fill out this form by Sunday 20th March 2022. We have limited spots available!!


Monday 21st MarchBlock 4 sign up starts

Wk beg Monday 28th MarchParent conferences Online
Thursday 31st MarchTiger Spirit Day
Friday 1st AprilBreak up - last day of Term 2B

Monday 18th AprilTerm 3 starts

Wk beg 18th AprilParent conferencesOnline

Birthday celebrations

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. Your child's class teacher will try to get a photo to share with you.

Please can we remind you,  to not bring in gifts for the class, either for birthdays, or on other special celebration days.

Here is our one and only birthday for next week. Have a super day!

24th March ; Everett ; 2S

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
Tracey Williams trwi@patana.ac.th
Liam Bowden libw@patana.ac.th

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