Y2 Newsletter 02.09.22

Upcoming Events

School Holiday (School Closed)16/09/22Whole School
Tiger Spirit Day07/10/22Whole School
Academic Staff CPL days (School Closed)13/10/22 - 14/10/22Whole School
Half - term Break17/10/22 - 21/10/22Whole Shool

Living our school values:

We are protected, safe and secure.

It was fantastic to see so many parents and guardians at our Introduction to the Learning meetings on Thursday. If you missed the meeting please visit each class blog to view the presentation that was shared by the Year 2 teachers.


Term 1A Curriculum

Our theme for learning this term is -  The World Around Us

Please visit the > Year 2  curriculum page < to find out more about this exciting unit of learning.

Junk Modelling

As part of our classrooms and shared areas, we have spaces for the children to create and build their own projects. We are looking for recycled materials to fill our junk modeling boxes such as cardboard, newspapers and plastic bottles etc.

If you have any resources you can donate please send them into class with your child.

Class Blogs

To find out more about what has been happening in class please visit our class blogs by clicking on the image below:

Well - Being

Football Academy


A warm welcome from PTG to all the parents old and new. If you would like to be a part of PTG and help out with future activities, do get in touch with us at ptg@patana.ac.th

Meanwhile here's a FUN video from us:

Message from Patana Japanese Group




Hello! We are the Japan Group consisting of approximately 70 families, and mainly supporting International Day and other school activities.

If you are a Japanese speaker and are interested in joining this group, please contact us.

Our contact is here: patanajapaneseg@gmail.com

Birthday celebrations

If you would like to send in some birthday treats for your child to share with their class, please arrange a day with your child's class teacher. We will only be able to manage individual items like brownies, doughnuts or cupcakes. Please remember we are a nut free Primary School. 

There are no birthdays in Year 2 this week.

Snacks - Nut Free School

We provided tasty and nutritious snacks each day for the students in class. As some of our children have allergies please ensure any food sent to school is Nut Free.

Smart Watches

We encourage children to wear a watch to school, to help them keep track of time and develop independence.

Many smartwatches allow for phone and message contact, internet access, online games, and other features that they do not need in school.

Access to games via a smartwatch distracts children from other social play activities and planned learning.

If your child does have a smartwatch, please talk with your child about which functions can and cannot be used in school.

Some watches will allow you to limit the functions available to your child. In all cases, we ask parents to consider carefully the reasons why their child requires a smartwatch in school.

Arriving late to school

We recognise that often there is quite challenging traffic on the soi outside of school.

If your child arrives at school late, it is important that they are accompanied to the correct classroom. Please do not leave your child to make their way upstairs independently as their classroom may be empty due to specialist lessons. If this is the case please ensure that your child is escorted to their specialist or alternatively seek help from a member of the Year 2 team. Your child’s safety is our top priority.

DepartmentContact NumberEmail
Primary Office02 785 2258primary@patana.ac.th
Transport02 785 2470transport@patana.ac.th
Primary Nurse02 785 2478

02 785 5460

ECAs02 785 2231eca@patana.ac.th
Year 2 Rep


Primary Rep

Year Group Leaders
David Walton dawa@patana.ac
Meagan Wilson mewi@patana.ac.th

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