Working together

Friendships are blossoming in FSP and it is lovely to see new friendships being made, whilst cherishing old ones too. 

The children are really enjoying working together. Which is developing  their skills in: Problem solving, sharing, taking turns and listening. 

Take a look at some of the fun FSP have had with their friends this week!

International Dot day

FSP looked fabulous in their dotty and colourful clothes today. They had lots of fun showing their creativity in their chosen art activities and PD lesson! Please see Seesaw for photos of FSP's visit to the art room this week. They enjoyed adding their own dots to the Art installation. 

Soft start

FSP have settled into FS2 wonderfully. Thank you for making their start to the day so much fun by staying with them. when you can, to join in with their play.  You give them confidence to initiate play and ideas for things to do, which continue long after you leave the classroom. Thank you for your continued support. 


Please see the email I sent on Wednesday 14th September regarding Seesaw. If you are having any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me so I can help you. It would be fantastic if you could share some photos of recent activities at home on there so I can share these special moments with the children at school too. 

Wishing you a wonderful long weekend, see you on Monday morning FSP!

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