Purple people!

Wednesday 21st September, was International Day of Peace and FSP have been working hard to be purple people! 

Take a look at how we have been purple people this week!

Asking great questions

"How can we get the slime off the dinosaur?"

 "Would this be a kind dinosaur or would it eat me?" 

"Who has got the tallest tower?"

"How many cubes high is it?"

Laughing a lot!

FSP loved making blueberry frozen yoghurt ice-lollies and eating them on International Day of Peace! 

Working hard

FSP enjoyed listening to the story, The World Needs More Purple People. You might like to watch the story and listen to the Peace song at home. 

Year 5 art collaboration 

FS2 were invited to collaborate with Year 5 and work in the Primary Art room with Miss Cora this week. They were so excited to explore a new space, use different art materials and make some new friends! 

Miss Cora showed the children some art work by the artist Cy Twombly, famously known and recognised for his signature 'scribbles'. 

The children looked at words such as: kind, brave, strong and awesome and used them to inspire their art work with their Year 5 buddies! 

Take a look at the fun they had creating their Cy Twombly inspired art. We are very proud of FS2! They found the courage to visit a new space, speak to new friends and try something new! 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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