Feeling festive!

FSP have been busy little elves this week and have been making a special surprise for you. The children have worked hard to design, make their cards and wite special messages for you. It was lovely to see the children's invididual ideas and creativity through their unique designs. The children are just starting off on their writing jounrney and tried very hard to sound out and write some words on their own. We hope you love them and the children enjoy looking back at them in years to come when they are independent writers. 

The children loved going to the school shop to post their cards to you and remembered to say "Thank you" to the shop assistants! 

A Christmas Tree Hunt!

FSP guessed how many Christmas trees there were areound the school. Their guesses ranged from 4-1000! We went on a Christmas Tree hunt to find out! Can you remember how many we saw FSP?

Take a look at all our other learning from this week 


We have very nearly finished learning all of the Phase 2 sounds- well done FSP! 

I wonder if they can recognise them at home and make the sounds and actions? 

Thank you!

Thank you for your generous donations to the Home of Praise Charity. The children will greatly benefit from all of the items you have kindly provided. Thank you FSP for packing it up, ready for collection so carefully! 

Information for next week 

On Thursday 15th December at 9am you are invited to our Christmas singalong in the FS Ampitheatre. We look forward to seeing you there and starting our Christmas celebrations with you! 

On Thursday 15th December in the afternoon the children will be having a party. They can wear party clothes to school on Thursday. They will change into their Christmas singing outfit and then change back into party clothes afterwards. 

On Friday 16th December it is Christmas Spirit Day and the children can wear clothes of their choice. They might like to wear Christmas clothes to celebrate the last day of school before the Christmas Holidays. 

Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week for a very busy last week of term! 

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