Happy New Year!

It has been wonderful to welcome FSP back to school this week and hear all about their exciting holidays. Thank you for sharing some photos on Seesaw, the children have really enjoyed sharing them with us and their friends. 

Independent learning 

The children are now extemely comfortable in their environment and are so confident to follow their interests and choose their own learning. FSP have been enjoying junk modelling, building, problem solving and painting this week. 

As we start the next Focus week cycle on Monday 16th January please share your child's home interets with us so we can continue to develop them at school too. In particular, we would love to know your child's favourite book and song so we can share these togteher.

Outdoor learning 

FSP have been enjoying the slightly cooler weather and spending lot of time outside making up their own games and challenges including 'Floor is Lava' on the climbing frame! The children have been incredibly resourceful and using thier imagination. 


FSP now know all the Phase 2 sounds, songs and actions. We are now working on the children recognising the sounds without the songs and starting to read CVC words. 

Chinese New Year 

On Friday 20th January, we will be celebrating Lunar New Year. To celebrate, your child is invited to wear red and gold colours to school. FSP have been learning chinese songs and the Lion Dance in their music lessons, I wonder if they can show you at home? 

Class photos 

On Monday 23rd January FSP have their class and individual photos taken at school. We look forward to seeing their happy smiles in the photos!

A few reminders

Please return your child's Guided Reading book to school every Monday and write a comment in the Reading Journal, so I know they are ready to have a new book sent home. 

Please ensure your child comes to school with a spare set of uniform every day and a hat with their name labelled. Swimsuits also need to be named so that we can ensure they are returned to the right child at changing time. 

FSP love junk modelling! If you have any recyclable materials such as plastic bottles, pots, cardboard boxes and tubes please bring them in so the children can get creative! Thank you. 


From the 23rd January the children will move from the Learner Pool to the 25 metre pool. The swimming coaches will be talking to FSP about this over the next few weeks and I am sure the children will be very excited for their new challenge. Well done FSP!

Please note that children with long hair now need to wear a swimming cap. 

We have had a busy first week back at school, have a relaxing weekend FSP!

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