FSP Went to the Little Paws Gym!

Hello wonderful FSP parents! I am Ms Gemma and I am the Foundation Stage Physical Development Specialist.

A little bit about me: I studied a Bachelor of Physical Education and Health at Deakin University in Melbourne Australia. This is my fourth year working at BPS but my tenth year teaching in Bangkok. I come from both Australia and the UK and I have taught in the UK, Australia and of course Thailand.

FSP are going to have a wonderful year ahead spending lots of time in our Little Paws Gym!

Physical Development has two important elements, gross and fine motor development. Our lessons will include activities from both these important areas. We will do lots of running, climbing, jumping, hopping, skipping, ball games, balancing and dancing etc., along with working to use scissors, hold a pencil correctly, and use tongs and manipulatives to improve our hand strength.

The children loved playing the rainbow balls game. They are asked to move by hopping, crawling and skipping to get the different coloured balls. It was so much fun! After this game, the children worked in small groups to practice these important gross motor skills. 

It was then time for free choice. The children love when they get to choose their learning. Many of the FSP children spent lots of time playing on the gymnastics bars and rings. We saw hanging monkeys, slithering sloths and crawling bears on the bars! Other children loved riding the bikes, practicing to throw and catch and also dancing in our dance area. All the children had a wonderful morning in our gym.

Please look at the photos below to see all the children in action!

Have a great day!

Ms Gemma

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