The Gingerbread Man

Active Learning

Being involved and concentrating 

FSP continued to enjoy the story the Gingerbread Man this week. It has been a firm favourite for story times and the children have enjoyed re-enacting the story with playdough! By kneading, rolling,  pulling and pressing the children have been developing their fine motor skills whilst having lots of fun! The children have enjoyed decorating by pushing buttons into the dough and putting them in the toy oven to cook. Many of the gingerbread men have come to life, just like in the story and It has been wonderful to hear the children repeating the phrase "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" 

Enjoying achieving what they set out to do 

FSP were desperate to put their playdough skills into practice and make real gingerbread people! They listened carefully to instructions, measured the ingredients, mixed then kneaded the dough. They waited patiently while they cooked in the oven....

And then... they enjoyed eating them too! Luckily, FSP ate them so fast that there was no chance for the gingerbread men to run away!


I sent an email last week explaining how to login to your child's Seesaw account. I have started to share photos of the fun your child is having at school and I would love to see what the children get up to over the weekend, so we can celebrate with them at school too. Please contact the ISIT helpdesk for further support if needed. 

Family Photos 

If you have not done so already, please email me a family photo which can be added to our family wall. The children enjoy looking at them and sharing information with their friends. 

Junk modelling 

FSP are very creative and have such wonderful ideas for things they would like to make! If you have any recyclable materials at home which could be used in our junk modelling area such as: boxes, tubes, egg boxes, plastic pots or cups, bottles and bottle tops. Please can you bring them into school so the children can have more resources for their super creations! 

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Miss Karly & Miss Jum

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